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We are are getting ready to head out to our very last camping spot which is in Alaska. Why in the hell did Rebecca pick this as the last spot I had no clue. We loaded everything on the jet and Edward says we could rent another jeep again. We pull out the map and we decide where we were going to go. Edward said we had one month left and we could pick and stay a little longer if I wanted to or we can decide after I spread Rebecca ashes it was my choice.

But he like to take the time and get to know me. I couldn't believe it. He wanted to know me. But I couldn't stop from thinking that it still scared me and Edward will hurt me. That's all men seem to do is hurt. So what makes him any different. I mean I still have to marry him unless he says other wise. I miss Rebecca without her I can't figure this out. I wish so much that she was here. I need her. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. This is still so hard. I look over at Edward and he talking on his phone. He looks angry. I don't know who he's talking to. But whoever it is making him angry.

I decide to look back out the window of the jet as we are flying. It's night and the moon is out. It looks so beautiful out there. I could hear Edward yelling from behind me I couldn't take it. I was being reminded of Riley attacking me and Mike yelling at me. I finally got up and went into the bathroom. I locked the door and slid down the door and brought my knees up to my chest. I could still hear Edward yelling. I finally covered my ears and just wanted him to stop. I wanted his anger to stop the yelling to stop. I just couldn't handle it.

I heard a loud noise like something hitting something. But it reminded me of two things. The accident and the gun going off. It made me jump and scream out. I never thought I be like this in my entire life did I think I would scream out in fear to make a noise to stop. I was so shaky, I wasn't going to move. I started to hear a knock on the door. But I could not hear Edward call out my name. I just kept screaming seeing images go through my head between the accident, Riley attacking me and Mike I could not get it to stop.


I have been talking with my father about Mike but they haven't found him. I started yelling out they needed to find him what if he found Bella again. I was just so furious that they could not find him and arrest Mike. After what happened with Bella I fear what would happened if he got ahold of her again. After I got off the phone I slam down my fist really hard in my fit of angry. But then I heard a scream.

I looked up to where I knew Bella was sitting but she wasn't there. I got up to follow the sound of the screams and it was coming from the bathroom. I knocked but Bella didn't answer. But she just kept screaming. "Bella, open the door please come on." I kept this up, but, she wasn't stopping screaming or even opening up the door. Great! What is going on with her. I don't know what to do I'm at a loss here.

I take my hand and run it through my hair in frustration. I picked up my phone and called my father back. "Edward hello, why are you calling back?" He asked me, then Bella screamed out again. "Son is that Bella screaming?" He asked me. "Yeah that's kinda of why I'm calling you. She locked herself in the bathroom and she won't open it or answer I don't even know what is going on!" I explained to him. I heard my mother in the background talking and dad told her what I had told her. I heard her say she wanted to talk to me. "Edward was she hearing you yell?" My mother asked. "I think so." I told her. "Did you make any loud noises?" She asked me.

I thought back and remember I slammed my fist down really hard. I told my mother. She told me that Bella finally was probably having a break down from everything that  happened. That I needed to get in there somehow and help her calm down. I went into the cockpit and explained what was going on and I needed some help. The co pilot came out to help me.

I do not own all my characters Stephenie Meyers does.
I own the rest of the characters and the story

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now