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It's been 2 weeks and I get to go home today. Well to the castle it really doesn't feel like a home yet. The doctor okay me to go on my camping trip as long as I behave and don't climb trees. I laughed. But I wasn't going to listen either but I wasn't going to tell him that.

Edward came and got me from the hospital himself. I told him he really didn't have to do this. But he insisted. I was sitting on my bed in the bedroom. "Bella I need to know what to get for camping? I never been." I lightly smack my forehead. "You really gotta be kidding me." I mentally laugh.

"Is he really that so much into business and in his role that he doesn't know how to do anything?" I say to myself quietly or so I thought. "I heard that!" I look up as he leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed and his face expression looked upset. "I'm sorry but I'm calling it like I see it. Edward just try not being a stick in a mud and let yourself go and have a little fun". I told him. "I will try. Alright!" I smiled "I'll show you everything to get when we get there and that includes clothing. No dress clothes aloud on this trip mister. If I find one dress shirt, dress pants, or suit pack away and I will burn it. I mean it." He started laughing. "Is that an actual laugh coming out of you Mr. Cullen. Oops, sorry my bad, Prince Cullen." I say with a crooked smile.


I don't know what just happened but she just made me laugh. "Alright I need to know what kind of car to rent?" I asked her. She gave me the strangest look. "You really don't have a social life do you? You live a very boring life Edward Cullen. You need to rent a jeep or a big truck something you can go off road with and don't  dare get a hummer cause I will kick your ass myself!" She said. I walked away slightly wounded by her words. I think I need to get some advice from my best friend Jasper. Cause I don't know what I'm getting myself into to.

I go to my sister room and knock on her door. Jasper and Alice have been dating for awhile. "Come in!" Alice said. I open the door and walk in. "Alice can I borrow my best friend please, I need to talk to him?" I asked her. "Oh I guess so!" She says as she rolls her eyes. Jasper gets up and walks towards me. "What's up?" He asked. I'll explain when we don't have other ears listening." I told him.

"I heard that Edward." Alice said. "Good!" I told her. "We walk back to my bedroom and I closed my door so Bella didn't hear either. "Jasper I need to ask you something that Bella keeps pointing out to me."He looks at me confused. "Go ahead and ask." He tells me. I run my hand through my hair. "Well, she more or less tells me I don't have a social life and I lead a boring life, plus I don't know how to have fun. Am I that bad?" I asked.

"To be honest with you Edward. She's right! The only girlfriend you ever had is at school, and that was Tanya. You dumped her because you didn't have time for her. You don't ever go out. On breaks and during the summer you jump right into business mode. Hell even on your family vacation you still have your nose stuck in your lap top or on your phone arranging meetings." He explained to me.

"Wow, I did not realize I was that bad. I just didn't pay attention." I said. I get up and start pacing.
"No wonder, Bella really doesn't like me. I don't blame her either. She beautiful, kind an.. " Jasper took me out of my thoughts. "Dude do you hear yourself right now! You really care about her don't you?" Jasper asked me. "Well yeah I like her and I'm just not sure how I like her though. She is starting to open my eyes up. Show me things that I didn't know I could experience. I know I haven't known her that long, but I really want to get to know her. I actually want to try and make this work." I explain to him. I can't believe I'm saying this. "You're taking Bella on this trip she has to go on right?" He starts to explain. "Yeah, why?" I asked him.

"Then take this trip and find out how you feel about her. Then when you end the trip at school then you will know. No matter what Edward you're going to have to marry her. This trip take the time to know her to. Plus you never know she might show you there more to life then all business stuff." He told me. I thought about that a minute. "You know you're right Jasper I can explore and find out how I really feel about her and maybe have alittle fun and relax this summer. Thank you!" I told him.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now