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    I laid in bed this morning just thinking. I feel like I'm in a battle inside myself now. After what Mike did to me and how gentle Edward is. Yeah I know I'm suppose to marry Edward.
But how the hell can I trust anyone. I don't really know Edward. Sure he flew Jacob here.
He helping me do this trip. But how can I just open my heart and just trust someone. I finally get up and walk out. I sit down next to the the fire.

 Edward hands me a cup of coffee. "Are you hungry?" He asks me. "No not really." I told him.
I really don't talk since Mike took me and I got shot by accident. I guess I'm just not ready to. I take out Rebecca paper and read it. She wants me to take some of her ashes and dump them off on a trail. I can do that. I finish my coffee and pack up a back pack up. Then  Edward and I head out.

   We just walk in silence. Once I find a good spot I dump and head back. It's now been a few weeks and now where in Michigan in the Upper Peninsula. The paper says we stay here for at least a week. I noticed how beautiful it is here.


   Bella has been quiet for weeks now. She hardly talks at all. Her wound is healed up now. We are ahead of schedule only because she didn't stay in a spot very long. She said Rebecca paper says it a week here. I hope so. I wish Bella would smile, I kinda of miss her smile. She always has her hair up now to. Don't get me wrong she looks good with it up. But she looks  beautiful with hair down.


   I decided to grabbed my stuff and go take a shower. When I get up to the shower I notice some guys out by the playground area. They kinda look like they're drinking or something. I just happen to notice because they were just loud. I went into the shower and locked the door behind me. I turn on the shower and let it warm up. I got undress. I climbed into the shower and got washed up. I just let the warm water hit me and let it relax me.

  Once I finally got down I got out and wrapped the towel around me. I looked in the mirror and seen the scar from where the bullet went in my shoulder. I put my hand over it. All I could think of is that it made me look different. That Edward wouldn't want me like this. Or he couldn't stand to look at someone like me that has scars like this all over my body. Tears started to fall from my eyes.This is just another reason I just so scared to open my heart. I just couldn't handle the rejection.

 All of a sudden I gasp when I heard the door knob being mess with. I slowly turn and I can see it move. But I knew it was locked. I backed up quietly, back into the shower. I slide to the floor scared. I didn't move. I didn't know how long I sat in there for. I then heard a knock on the door and my name called out. It was Edward. I slowly got up and walked to the door. I didn't know rather to answer or not.

Do I trust him or not. I slowly reach for the door knob and turn it. I slowly open it. I know I had the look of fear on my face. "Bella what's wrong?" Edward asked me. "I could not say anything. "Bella?" He says. "I was just to scared. I let go of the door and slide down the wall to the floor. The look on Edward's face was worry and confusion. He walked in and shut the door behind him and sat down beside me.

 "We can just sit here until you're ready to talk or you're ready to go back to the campsite. Your choice." He told me. "What if I don't want to talk?" I asked him. "Then don't talk." He told me. I got up and grabbed my clothes and went in the shower and got dressed.

  We walked to the campsite and went sat down by the fire."Bella you really haven't eaten and you hardly spoken. Hell you don't even sleep. Will you please tell me what’s is going on?" He asked. I turn and look at him. He puts his hands on both sides of my face. "Bella please! You can trust me I won't hurt you." He told me. "I don't know if I can believe that though. All that keeps happening is hurt. I'm to scared to open my heart. You might not like what you see." I told him.

   I could feel him wipe my tears away but it doesn't do no good. "Bella I like what I seen so far, in fact now I miss it. The sound of your voice, the smile on your face. The way you climbed trees. I see the battle you're fighting especially since Mike took you. But if you just gave yourself a chance to feel and just maybe trust me to know I won't hurt you, then maybe we can  grow in relationship. I told you I would take it slow and that's what I'm going to do. So first is I'm going to be here for you. " He told me.

  I looked into his green eyes. "Why did she have to leave me alone? I need her now Edward!" I fall into his chest and just cry. "I was so scared when Mike took me. When he hit me. What went through my head was, is this what Rebecca felt like when Mike hit her. Then I wonder if I was ever going to see Jacob and your family again." I told him.

 "What were you thinking when you fault him with a gun pointed at you Bella? You could of died." He said "I really wasn't thinking. All that went through my head is I needed to get away. I honestly didn't know I got shot. Once he was down again I just ran as fast as I could. I had to get away from him. Then when I ran into you I thought I ran into him at first. But when I saw it was you all I wanted to do is run from you to. I didn't know who to trust. Still don't. I wish Rebecca was here to help me so I can just talk to her." I told him.

 "Bella you can still talk to Rebecca she always listening. Plus she always will be with you no matter what. She's in your heart. She may not give answers by her voice but she can answers to you by giving you by just signs. I think she did this whole trip things to help you let go. Because you two had a strong bond and you can't let go of her." He told me.

 I knew he was right. It made since. There was a letter for me to read at the end of this trip. I swear she was like me in a way but with her it was almost like she seen her own future and she knew something would happen to her. Edward had his arms wrapped around me and I just cried.

 I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.



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