Bella finally opening her heart

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"What are you doing here?" Tanya jumped and spun around shocked that I was here.
"Or maybe I should ask what are you doing in Edward's room?" She asked. Oh my god! Really, really did she just ask me that! "Hmmmm! Let's see Edward is my fiance he paid for the room besides what's it any of your business, you're not together any ways." I walked over to Edward bag because it was closer and dug in it for something to wear I did not feel comfortable being half naked in front of Tanya. I found a pair of his boxers and put them on and put one of his t-shirt on but turned around to put it on.

I did not want her to see the scar on my stomach to gave her anymore to throw at me. But then I forgot about the scars on my back from the accident.

"OMG! What the hell happen to you? What makes you think Edward going to take you. After he takes one look at your naked body he going to walk away." A tear fell from my eye. "Edward knows about all of them." I say quietly. "He may know but has he seen them?" I take a deep breath and turn around. "Not all of them!" I admitted. She got this smug look on her face. "Whatever you're thinking don't, because Edward will never take you back for cheating on him."

Her face turned red. "Well he sure in the hell isn't going to want a ugly swamp monster like you." I was getting pisst. She walked out to  front of the door. "Ohhh! Did I hit a sore spot bitch. That's what you get for stealing my man. You whore!" I was furious now. "I didn't steal no one and I'm not a FUCKING WHORE BITCH!" I ran at her full force and we went through the door.


As I was going to find a place to get dinner at. I was thinking about earlier today.
I can't believe Tanya cheated on me, when we were together. And Bella wow, the way she moved and how she took the knife out of Tanya hand.

That was amazing. I shake my head. What am I thinking, fighting is wrong and Bella could of been seriously injured. I found a restaurant and order some food to go. While waiting I called Jasper and told him everything, and he was just amazed as I was. "Edward she's a keeper hang on to her." I laughed when he said that. "I plan on keeping her Jasper as long as we make it through the school year and Tanya don't cause Bella to walk out." I run my hand through my hair. "Dude isn't it a arranged marriage?" Jasper asked. "Yeah, but I won't force her into this if she so scared of me that she won't touch me. It's not worth it." I heard the waitress call my order. "Hey Jasper I gotta go I'll call you later." I paid for the food and drinks and left. I was walking up to the door at the motel and I was caught off guard.

(CREAK) (PLUNK, PLUNK, PLUNK) Something flew past past me. I looked and it was Tanya and Bella at it.

"What the hell, how did she find us damn it!" I dropped everything and when I tried to reach for Bella, Tanya hit me. Which knocked me over. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arm around Bella and pulled her against me. "STOP, NOW BOTH OF YOU!" I got up and put Bella in the jeep. "Edward Bella started.." I stopped Tanya before she went any further. "Save it Tanya!" I went into the motel room and grabbed my and Bella stuff with Tanya trying to talk to me.

I walked out to the jeep and put all the stuff in the back. Tanya grabbed my arm. "Edward, my god why would you want something as ugly as her?" I pulled away from Tanya. I opened the driver side door. "Bella is not ugly and I wish you would stop calling her that because she is beautiful. Oh, I suggest this time don't follow us because next time I might let Bella finish what you started and press charges against you." I got into the jeep and went to the office but before I went in. "Stay in the jeep please!" I got out and walked in.


After Edward set me in the jeep, I watched as he walked into the motel room with Tanya behind him. He was ignoring her. I knew he was very angry this time. I don't know why but tears fell from my eyes as I watch. Edward finally walks out and throws our stuff in the back. He walks up to the driver door and Tanya grabs his arm. "Edward, my god why would you want something as ugly as her?" He pulls away from Tanya. He opens the driver side door. "Bella is not ugly and I wish you would stop calling her that because she is beautiful. Oh, I suggest this time don't follow us because next time I might let Bella finish what you started and press charges against you."

He got into the jeep and went to the office but before he went in. "Stay in the jeep please!" He got out and walked in. I hurried and fasten my seat belt. Then I sat back realizing he called me beautiful. But the fact was he was still very angry. I pulled my knees to my chest with tears still falling. I don't want this trip to be over. I threw my head back. Why does that bitch got to ruin things. "DAMN IT!" Edward finally walked back out and started driving.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling knowing that he was very angry. We had been driving for hours and I was cold I only had on Edward boxers and his t-shirt but I didn't want to say anything. I started to shake. So I wrapped my arms around my legs and buried my face into my legs. I feel the jeep stop but I didn't move. I didn't want Edward to know I was crying and that I was freezing.

"My god Bella why didn't you say anything? You must be freezing?" I take a deep breath but never lift my head. "I didn't want to say anything, because I knew you were angry." I told him. "But Bella you're not dress for out here!" I still didn't move. "You think! I grabbed the closest thing I could, I only had a towel on and guess what your bag was closer so I grabbed your boxers and one of your t-shirt." Then I remembered what she saw and called me. It made me cry more.

"I REALLY HATE THAT FUCKING BITCH!" I heard Edward laughing. I slowly lift my head to look at him. His face expression changed and he hurried and got out of the jeep. I watched him confused. He opened up my door and reached over and unbuckle my seatbelt.
"What are you doing?" I asked him. "Shut up Bella!" I was still confused. He scooped me up and then closed the door he opened up the back seat door and slid in. "What the hell are you doing?" I was so confused. He didn't say a word. He reached behind him and grabbed a sleeping bag. He wrapped me in it. I just looked at him trying to figure him out.

He finally looked up at me. "Edward what are you doing?" I asked him. "Well I pulled into a rest area as soon as I noticed that you didn't have no jacket or pants on. Then when I saw your face and realized you been crying well I just couldn't take that. So I just..." I stopped him. "Edward, I was crying because I made you angry and that tore me up. Then I also remember what Tanya said when she saw the scars on my back."

The tears started falling more because it scared me to think how scar up my body was and she was right it made me ugly. "Bella what did she say that hurt you so bad?" I turned my head. "The bad thing about it is she right." Edward took his hand and gently took my chin and turn it to face him. "What did she say Bella?" I took a deep breath. "That my scars made me ugly and I looked like a ugly swamp monster. That when you seen me naked that more or less you think I look disgusting and you wouldn't want to touch me and you wouldn't want nothing to do with me anymore." Edward hand slid to my cheek. "Oh Bella, didn't you hear me when I told Tanya you were beautiful?" I nodded. "But I thought you were just telling her that just so she shut and let us leave."

He shook his head. "No, I meant it Bella. You know I know about the scars and I don't care about them. I care about you. I think you're beautiful and amazing... " I cut him off and press my lips to his. It was crazy but in that moment I realized I could actually open my heart to this fool that he just made my heart melt by his words. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss and lick his bottom lip to let my tongue into his mouth and his into mine to explore each other mouths. I pulled away and leaned my forehead against Edward forehead. "Okay you're a much better kisser than Tanya any day." I giggled. "What was that for any ways?" He asked me. "Ummm, you just helped me make a decision!" I smiled. "And what would that be Bella Swan?" He asked.

"Well, I realized if you could accept me no matter if I have scars or not and you expect me, the real me and that means more to me then you can ever imagine." I told him. Edward gave me a crooked smile. "I still hate Tanya!" He starts laughing. I pressed my lips to his again but pulled away for a second. "You know I could get use to this. Being here in your arms and kissing you." I smiled. "Just please tell me she didn't ruin this trip and now we're not leaving?" He smiled at me. "Nope, I think I want you to myself just a little bit longer." I smiled and giggled. I pressed my lip against his again. We pulled away. "I think I like that idea myself, I want to know more about you." I told him.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.
I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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