THINKING ABOUT EVERYTHING & Rebecca showing me the truth

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  Where at our next camp spot now and I haven't talked to Edward much since we talked about me noting wanting to let go of Rebecca. We are in the mountains of Tennessee. I told Edward I was going to go for a walk. He asked if I wanted him to go with me and I told him no, that I needed to be alone to think. I walked for awhile when I came up to a beautiful scene. I could see forever. The tree tops another mountain top in the distance. I found a place to sit. I thought back to what Becca told me before she died.
'    '     ===memory===

  I grabbed Rebecca hand and held it in both of my hands. "Hey there you had me really scared me!" I told Rebecca. "I'm sorry beautiful." I laughed. "You really need glasses." I told her. She smiled. "I need to tell you something Bella." I look at her confused. "Bella you are beautiful I just wish you could see what I see." She reaches with her other hand and press it against the side my face. "I always loved you like my sister Bella and know when I tell you that someday you find someone that will make you feel special and treat you like a true princess you really are in your heart. You just don't know it yet. Promise me you will never change who you are Bella. You are a strong, caring person that can take charge of anything and even though you're so clumsy. Please tell Jacob I love him and I will always be with him in his heart as I will yours. Tell my family I love them to."

  Tears are falling from my eyes. "What are you saying Becca, you can tell them yourself." I tell her. "Isabella Marie Swan please promise me!" I see the tears falling from her eyes. "Now when you call my whole name out I can't deny you. I promise Rebecca and I always loved you like a sister to." She smiles at me. "Don't you ever forget about the true person you really are. If you do look here and you will yourself again." She puts her hand on my necklace she gave and pushes it against my heart.

  =end of memory=

  I grabbed and held the necklace in hand. I thought about what my mom and dad did to me and said.

  ==== memory====

 "Bella, sweetie!" I heard my mom. "Mom, wait where's Jacob I have to tell him something." I try to sit up. "Isabella lay back down you can not see him anymore." I turn and look at her.  "What are you talking about mother he’s my best friend. I just watched his girlfriend my best friend someone that's like a sister to me die and you're telling me I can't see him no more."

  How could she do this to me. I can't believe this. I heard the door open. I look towards it and see my father. "Daddy why can't I see Jacob no more?" I asked him. "He is a bad person and the accident would of never happen if you and your friends weren't drinking.” I can't believe this.                      "That's a load of bull shit and you know it! There was a buck standing in the road. So it doesn't matter if we were drinking or not." I told them. "It don't matter anyways as soon as the doctor release you, your moving." My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head. "So wait I'm moving and I can't go to my best friend’s funeral and plus I made her a promise and now I can't keep it."

 I go to feel my neck for the necklace and it was gone. I start flipping out that it was gone. I get up and things start flying all over. There taking everything else from me there not taking that that from me. "Isabella what are you doing?" I get ready to walk out of the room. "My necklace where the hell is it. I want it now." They stand there looking at me because I was demanding it. My mom pulled a baggie out of her purse. "Is this what you want?" I snatched it out of her hands. I pull it out of the baggie. It was broken the chain was in pieces the locket was by itself. "NO, NO, NO." I collapsed to the ground crying.

 "I'll throw that away and just get you a new one." I shot an angry glare at my mother. "How dare you. My best friend that just died gave me this and now you want me to throw it away and you want me to break my promise to her. I can not believe you. What are you going to tell me next that you arranged for me to marry someone." They both look at each other in shock.I get back up. "You didn't please tell me you didn't and is this why I'm moving?" They turn and look at me. "Well yes it's true. We arranged your marriage. That's where we been the last couple of weeks finishing up the paperwork. We had to this set up since you both were 5 years old."

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