Bella finds out she had more injuries that were missed from the accident.

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  I must of been dreaming because I'm reliving the accident again. I sat up screaming. Still breathing heavy and shaking. "Bella hey look at me you're alright!" I turned really slow not sure who I would see I was scared. It was Edward. "I'm not alright not at all she’s gone she really gone!" I couldn't hold back the tears no more, that I been fighting to hold back for so long.

  "Rebecca gone I can't even talk to her anymore why did that stupid deer have to be in the middle of road anyways. If only I didn't. If only I can just remember what happened, what truly happened" I felt Edward wrapped his arms around me and he just held me."It's going to alright Bella I promise you." I pulled away from him. "Please don't make promises to me unless you plan to keep them." He just looked at me blinking confused.

 "You don't even know me Bella, but I don't break a promise if I can help it. I know one thing, you went through something horrible and what ever your parents did was wrong. You should not have to go through this alone." I couldn't believe what I just heard. Was he for real or was he just trying to get on my good side.

 "I made promises and NO my parents wouldn't let me keep them. Now I don't even know if Jacob is still alive anymore." I told him. "Was Jacob your boyfriend?" Edward asked me. I looked at him like he was stupid or something. "No he was Rebecca boyfriend we were all best friends growing up. I never had a boyfriend. One or two guys always try making moves on me. In fact the night of the accident he put his hands on me and tried to kiss me, I kinda of kicked him in the nuts but then he came looking for me saying he like it rough they dragged me out of there before I killed him, plus before I hurt anyone else that night." I told Edward.

    Edward looked at me confused. "Killed him? Who did you hurt?" I thought back to that night. "Jessica Stanley. I hit her for what she said to me I also hit her friend Lauren Mallory. OH MY GOD! It's all my fault if we didn't have to get me out of there before I hurt Riley just so he didn't’ get into my pants at the party we would of never left and hit the deer. It's my fault!" I felt Edward tense up.

 I can't believe this is my fault. "Bella stop it's not your fault they were only protecting you from that jerk. Don't blame yourself for something that you didn't cause!" Edward told me.

"Didn’t you say earlier today that you were thrown from the car?" I look at Edward confused. "I think so. I really don't remember much. I remember sitting in the back seat talking to Jacob and Rebecca when I looked out the window and saw the buck on our side of the road. I screamed at Jacob to looked out. The next thing I knew I woke up on the side of the road. The car was flipped upside down across the road ahead of me a few feet from me and the buck laying in the middle of road. So I still really don't know how I ended up out of the car that far away." I felt sick again.

   So I got up and ran into the bathroom. Edward came in and held my hair out of the way. "You don't have to do that you know!" I told him. I flush the toilet and got up and walked over to the sink.
I turned on the light and noticed blood where I wiped my mouth off with my arm. "Something's wrong!" I said out loud. "Bella what are you talking about?" I look at Edward. "I'm not really sure but it's probably nothing." I walk out to the area that is like a living room and walk over to the window and looked out. "It's so beautiful here, but I'm going to miss the woods." I look over and see a beautiful garden like maze.

 I looked around for my shoes. "Bella what are you doing?" I put my shoes on. "Edward you can either be stuck up and be all business like all time or you can find some shoes and come with me."
He looked at me confused. "It's the middle of the night and it's not proper!" He said. I quirked an eye brow. Is he serious right now, not proper. I shake my head. "Suit yourself I'm going!" I got up and walked out and I found my way to a door. I opened it and it was so beautiful with the moonlight. I shut the door quietly. I walk until I found the garden.

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