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Where on our way to the the next spot Edward still had no clue we were meeting his family. He hasn't kissed me since that day and kept his word to take things slow. I'm so afraid of getting hurt. I mean I know we're getting married but when you never dated and you already seen what men can do well you tend to close yourself off. "Where we going next?" Edward asked me. Well Oregon campground. Don't worry this one has showers and bathrooms. More trails though. We are going to stop and buy mountain bikes because I thought we try mountain biking well at least you." I told him.

"Oh I also have a surprise for you when we get there." Edward turned his head and looked at me real quick and back at the road. Yes I let him drive for a while. I needed a break for awhile.
Once we got the bikes and ate lunch I took over driving. I had the radio blasting trying to keep my mind occupy, and off of things. There were only a few more hours to go. I hear Edward phone go off and he said it was for me. I told him to hold on I would pull off because I refuse to talk on the phone and drive.

Once I did I took the phone. "Bella were all set up all you have to do is stop in the office and pick up the paper for the vehicle and does he know yet?" Esme asked me. "Nope not a thing." I told her. "Oh and Bella his best friend is here he thought it might be interesting seeing his best friend let's say rough it." She told me. "Oh Really!" I say with a smile on my face. I turn and look at Edward who is giving me a confused look. "Hey I need to go your son is giving me a very confused look and I really need to get back on the road so we can reach our next stop." I told her.

I could hear her laughing. I gave Edward back his phone and started to drive off again.
"What is that all about?" Edward asked me. "Nothing really your mom was just giving me info that I asked for if she look up for me. It's like a let's just say a mother daughter thing but without the mother part." I told him. But the I got this strangest look from him. I shook it off. We finally arrived but Edward for some reason gave me the silent treatment. I pulled up to the office and told Edward I be right back. I couldn't shake this feeling like I did something wrong or said something wrong.

I got what I needed and he gave me the campsite number and map of campground. I jumped back into the jeep and took off looking for the site. As I pulled in Edward face expression was like surprised. "What the hell, how did you get them to even.." He began to say. "Well remember that phone call I got from your mom well your parents couldn't think of a family summer vacation and ask if I would mind since you were with me. But it so happens your parents use to go camping when they were younger. Oh your best friend is here to, your mom told me earlier, surprise." I told him.

I got out but he didn't he just sat there. What did I do. I walked up to everyone. Esme gave me a hug so did Carlisle. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "They went for a hike. Can we help you set up dear?" They asked. "Umm, sure. But one thing something up with your son I kinda of think he mad at me I don't know if it was something I said or what and now he won't get out of the jeep." I told him. "Don't worry he'll come around. Now let's get your guys tent up." They said.

"Umm, we have 2 tents we don't sleep in the same tent." They just look at each other. "Don't get me wrong it's just easier for me, and your son is a gentleman about it." I told them.

I went to the back of the jeep and took out both tents and the rubber mallet I needed. I gave them Edward tent. I went and set my tent up and put my stuff in it. "Hey I'm going to go take a shower." I told them. They told me alright. I grabbed a change of clothes and everything I would need. I stopped and looked at the jeep and Edward was still sitting in it. What did I do to upset him I just couldn't figure it out.

I walked up to the shower and locked the door behind me. I got the water as hot as I could and just stood there for a while and relaxed. I finally climbed out and got dressed and headed into the bathroom. I brushed my hair out and I left it down. I was walking back to the site when Alice came running up to me. She hugged me. "Bella it so good to see you." She told me. "You to Alice. So did your brother get out of the jeep yet?" I asked her. "No, but Jasper trying to talk him into going for a walk with him." She said.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now