60. Being Protective

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I wrote half of the chapter ten days ago but for some reason I'm being too lazy and just procrastinating which is wrong I know but I'm unable to find the motivation to write right now.

Sorry for the delay.❤

Happy Valentine's my loves✨❤

Also how do you think Valentina and Luciano spent their Valentine's? Can you think of a conversation between them?😂😁

"How are we going to get inside then?" Cody asked.

"With Valentina's help of course." Serena smirked.

And this is how I'm going to die people.

Please wear red on my funeral.

"My..help?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion while Serena and Leo smirked.
"We received Dante's message last night which was delivered by Sofia when you all were asleep. He mentioned that his boss wants Valentina for some reason. We dont know why yet but we are going to take that as an advantage so we have a plan." Serena said and nodded looking at Leo.

"So basically Dante is going to be a mediator between Valentina and his boss. Long story short...Valentina will get herself kidnapped by Dante. He will take her to their gang house where that asshole will be there. We all will be outside and as soon as she will give us signal we will attack. She will ofcourse have a tracker on her and secret weapons to protect herself if she needs it which we don't think she will need because the boss wants her so he will talk to her and will surely make offers." Leo explained as my breath hitched.

Nobody said a single word and just stared at them wide eyed when slowly Luciano's hand tightened around my thigh.

"So basically you want my woman...to go on a suicide mission." Luciano spat angrily glaring at both of them.

"Its not that..." Serena started when he cut her off.

"Ohh but it is dear mother! You might be really experienced and good at this and I'm not even comparing us but I'm not going to allow this. Not when I'm alive." He gritted out.


This is taking an ugly turn.

"You need to understand Luciano. There is no other way." Leo spoke calmly.

"I'll die but I wont let her go there alone."

"Dante will be with her." Leo said.

"Exactly. That's not me." He stated making me look at him.

"This is not some small game Luciano..." Serena started.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you Mom. This isn't a game. You cant just risk her life for the sake of winning this stupid war!" He spat angrily.

"Her life is already at risk after what they tried on her that night." A new voice spoke making us shocked as we turn to see the source.

"Mom?" My eyes widened for a second as I saw Dad, David and surprisingly Liam too coming inside the room.

What the fuck is happening?

Liam wasnt even in the city. Did Mom and Dad call him or something happened?

I'm so in trouble. He doesnt even know what's been happening with my life lately. I hope he isn't mad.

"Where is my hug princess?" Liam smirks looking at me making Luciano's hand tighten around my thigh.

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