44. It was a joke!

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Are your accounts safe?

With this recent issue on Wattpad, I noticed that many wattpaders were locked out of their accounts. Are you facing any issues?
Hope it resolved and you guys got your accounts back.❤

I finally look up and meet  his eyes which are already staring at me with a heated look but I highly doubt he is horny like me. I have realized one thing very well. He can control himself better than me.

He takes two powerful strides and directly stands in front of me so I have to look up as I am sitting. We both just stare without saying anything when he drops down on his knees and takes my hand in his.

I know I'm not that girly but this somehow makes my cheeks heated. It feels so amazing to have him treat me like this. Like a real Queen.

I'm sure my cheeks turned slight pink as I slowly smile softly at him which he returned by giving my hand a squeeze.

"Are you okay?" He whispered still on his knees.

"Yes. Thanks for coming." I said taking my hands out of his to hold his face and inched him closer so that our lips are only an inch apart.

I can't believe I'm dating this amazing man but then again I'm equally amazing so he is lucky too!

Our lips finally meet in a slow and soft kiss as his hands grab my thighs and gently squeeze them as he is still on the ground on his knees. My hands move from his face to his silky black hair giving them a slight tug.

My eyes closed, I feel our tongues dancing in a chaotic rhythm showing how much we both are scared and worried for what's about to come for us but we both are there for each other. Everyone of our friends and family are there and together we will conquer.

Suddenly, I hear sounds of soft laughs and we broke apart in a daze to see Luca taking pictures of us with a grin while the others are laughing looking at us.

"Seriously Luca!? "Luciano glared at him making him shrug carelessly.

"You'll thank me after ten years when you will tell your love story to your kids on a Christmas holiday while staring at these pictures." Luca said smirking making me smile and all of a sudden there comes a picture in my mind.

A picture just as Luca described. Us in a warm cozy home with our children which made me smile slightly looking down on my lap but that idea seemed too good to be true.

With what all happening in our lives right now, I don't know if we will ever have that happening in the future. Anything can happen so i don't want to get my hopes up just to have them broke.

""What are you thinking about Love?" Luciano asked softly.

"Nothing." I said clearing my throat and looking elsewhere.

"I'm sure she was imagining what I just said." Luca said mockingly while everyone laughed making me glare at him.

Luciano just stared at me without saying anything. Whats going on in his head?

"Let's start now. Shall we?" I said taking a deep breath.

He gets up and stands next to where I am sitting while Luca is standing on my other side.

"We have just found that there were hidden cameras all around the house and in the house. If you guys know something, tell me right now. You all know I'm not really good when it comes to patience." I said in a cold tone without showing any signs of softness.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, we don't know anything about it." Martin said who is thirty five. All others are younger than him.

"When were they appointed?" I looked at Cody and Eric.

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