21. Luciano's Pov - Part 2

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Make sure you read Part 1🖤

"I'm mad at you, my love. I hope I forgive you sooner for your sake." I said in a dark tone not looking at her.

I am so mad right now.

I don't know why this is happening.

For a minute or two there is complete silence. She does not speak and I don't look at her.

"What the hell are you doing here in my room Mr. Whatever your name is??" She demanded loudly.


So now she is still trying to pretend that I don't know its her?

I slowly turn around and set my gaze on her slightly shaking figure. With an eyebrow raised, I smirk folding my arms.

You're so cute my love.

"You are seriously going to play this game right now?" I asked.

"I'm not playing any game. You are in my room. We don't even know each other for crying out loud. I know your ego didn't take it well when I beat your ass up but get over it. I won." She said in a feisty tone.

Oh sweetheart. This is not the time to make me more mad.

I didn't say anything after that and just stared at her. Slowly I move towards her like a predator.

I stop when I'm right in front of her and I put a hand on the door on one side of her head and see her take a sharp intake of breath.

She is so beautiful.

"How about I..." I started when I get interrupted by loud knocks on the door.

Who the fuck has a death wish!?

"I'll be in the closet. Make whoever is here leave quickly." I whispered quickly and walked inside the closet.

"What the fuck guys?!" I hear her loud voice while some people I am guessing her friends laughed. I opened the closet door a bit to see and hear clearly.

Let's see what happens now.

"Stop being a baby Val." A girl snapped at her and jumped on the bed while she glared at her.

"Why are you guys here?" She asked folding her arms and glaring at all of them.

"Geez..What's got your panties in a twist?" Boy number one snickered.

That would be me.

"Look..you all need to get out of here." She stated looking at them.

"Why? So you can touch yourself thinking about Luciano and how hot he looked in that suit today?" Girl number two smirked mockingly.

Now this is interesting to watch.

"No. Now get lost." She gritted and I smirked.

"Oh Cmon Val. Don't you think we need to talk about what happened down there? I mean Luciano is here and he is Leos son." Girl three said touching her shoulder.

"Exactly! "Boy number one agreed smirking looking into my direction.

"Wait..Does that mean the other hottie was Luca? He is mine everyone. Do not go near him. "Girl on the bed said sighing dreamily.

Looks like Luca is in trouble if the girl is anything like Valentina.

"Seriously Nia? Luca is a really nice man so I won't like it if you break his heart." Valentina replied giving her a serious look.

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