55. Dante

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"OH.MY.GOD!!" She exclaimed loudly with a wide grin while I sat there with an open mouth.


Why is she grinning like a fool?

"I didn't know you were the girl he brought!!" She said quickly coming to my side and enveloping me in a tight hug.


Speak something Valentina.

I don't know why but my mind is completely blank right now. What is even happening!

"Has she lost her memory? Does she not remember me?" She asked Dante stepping away from me as she stared at me with worried eyes.

"Firstly,  she is injured so don't hug her again. Secondly, her memory is perfect." Dante replied giving her a stern look.

He is still protective of me.

"Well then why is she looking at me like that?" She pointed at me making me break out of my thoughts and clear my throat composing myself.

"You betrayed us Sofia." I said in a cold tone making her flinch.

All those sweet words in the shopping mall and all that laughing with us in the college canteen was a lie then. Wasn't it?

"Wait what!? Where did that come from?!" She asked with wide eyes.

"You're with him. I'm sure you must've given him information about me." I spat feeling anger overtake me.

"I didn't betray you or anyone Valentina and yes I'm with him because he is my step brother. You've got everything wrong." She said in a serious tone.

Step brother!?

What in the name of sweet nutella is that!?

When did that happen?

"And yes I gave him your information and not just that but I met you because he was worried about your safety so when you dont know stuff about him, don't accuse him or me." She said making me even more confused than before.

I swear my already tired brain is going to give up if this thing goes on. Is she high or something?

"Sofe...give us some time alone. Will you?" Dante finally speaks and she nods turning away.

"Wait...What do you mean for my safety? He kidnapped me!" I exclaimed stopping her and she smiled looking into my eyes.

"No he didnt but you would have gotten kidnapped if he didn't bring you here. "She corrected and walked out of the door.

"What the fuck was that about!?" I exclaimed aggressively running my hands through my hair.

"Calm down. I'll explain everything to you before Luciano's annoying ass gets here." He chuckled making me stare at him in surprise.


Why is he so chilled out?

"What? You didn't think he would search for you? The man is close enough to finding out where you are at the moment tesoro." He smiled making me look down on my lap hearing him say that.

I know Luciano will find me but all of this is just so frustrating because its so out of my control and I'm not used to that.

"So why are you still here if you know Luciano will find me? And how much time has passed since I passed out?" I asked.

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