59. Funeral Plans??

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Finally I wrote this chapter! Yay!😂

Oh and do read the previous chapter because it has been long since I last updated. I don't know if you guys remember last chapter.




I think its normal to fear something, we are humans after all but it gets scarier when you don't even know what you should fear.

The fear of unknown.

Im scared for myself and my people but what am I scared of ? I have no idea.

I don't know what or who we are against as I have never met them at all and don't know them much. I dont know what the near future will bring for us but one thing is for sure...the war. It's inevitable no matter what we do.

And as I stand in front of the love of my life who is staring at me with emotionless eyes, one thing is clear.
This journey till the war is not going to be easy for me.

"Come here." He said motioning with his hand to stand near him. I move towards him slowly as much as my body allows because of cuts and stitches.

"What are you planning to do Luciano?" I asked looking around the empty basement and finally setting my eyes on his face.

Ever since we came back yesterday, he has been acting so weirdly not to forget he didn't let me take pain killers last night which is why its harder for me to walk today due to the pain and now he is not letting anyone enter the basement where he has brought me.

I have slight idea what he wants to do but the somewhat scared face of Angelo, Luca and Lorenzo when he brought me here made me confused.

Nobody else was there when he brought me here so I don't think anybody else knows.

"You call yourself my Queen..." He started in a serious tone making me nod my head.

That's because I'm a Queen!

"A king and a Queen are equals. I'm not the king who hides his Queen when there is any danger to protect her but I'm the king who wants his Queen to be by his side when there is a war. Together." He said as his hand came to stroke my cheek softly and he kissed my forehead.

"I know it Luciano and do you think I'll agree with hiding while you all fight?" I replied holding his hand.

I'm a fighter and I'll always fight no matter what.

"But that's the thing my love...these people...they want you...so they won't go easy on you and I cannot let anything happen to you." He said further staring into my eyes.


"Let me complete." He interrupted me and went on further,"I know you are upset with me because I didnt let you take medicine for your wounds but there is a reason for why I did that."

"I can't watch you like this but when it comes to your life, I have to do this. To protect you. To make you capable of protecting yourself but I need to ask you a question before we do anything."

He is not thinking about asking me to marry him.


He looked at me from head to toe as he inspected my injuries and then cleared his throat and held my hands.

"When I was fourteen, I started training to become what I am today and after so long I've found you, my Queen. And I'm really proud to have you as my woman so Valentina, Will you let me train you for this war even though it might hurt you?" He asked looking calm and composed.

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