36. When he met her brother

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I couldn't do it to you guys and after reading each and every comment I felt so emotional and you guys made me so happy with all the support you gave and the things you said.

Thank you so much guys!❤


I call Valentina when I check my phone to see her text which was sent thirty minutes ago. I needed to tell her that the five guys will be staying at her place.

She doesn't answer so I call her again and after four rings she finally answered but doesn't say anything.

"Are you home?" I asked as softly as I can when I heard soft sobs coming from her side.

Fuck! What happened!? I told her not to be alone but she is so fucking stubborn that she wanted to go alone and meet her brother.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

This is all fucking my fault.

"He wants to meet you." She whispered bringing me back from my worried thoughts.


Who's this guy?

She went out for dinner with her brother so maybe its him.

"Give him the phone." I asked her as I could feel she was crying before I called from her hoarse voice.

"I promise I'll make you pay if I get to know that you're the one who made her cry. I'll be at your place in an hour. Take her there and make sure she eats." I said with gritted teeth.

"Yeah. Fine." He said and I hung up.

I quickly started my car and reversed out of the parking area of the warehouse I was currently in.

I had an important shipment coming this evening so I had to be present. Usually I don't handle these things, Luca and Lorenzo does but this time I came as both of them are busy with another project.

Valentina's parents place is an hour away from here but I'm sure I'll be there sooner with my reckless driving.

I arrive there and quickly got out and their security at the gate looked at me and smiled.

"May I know your name Sir?" He asked still smiling.

What's wrong with his mouth? Who the hell has that much energy to waste in smiling.

"Luciano Moretti." I state and nod towards the gate indicating him to open the door.

"Yes. Mr. Martinez is expecting you." He said and clicked the button to open the gate and I drove in the long driveway.

After parking the car I quickly got out and walked towards the large main door and rang the bell.

"Yes. How may I help you?" I hear the voice from the speaker in front.

What the fuck! This is so annoying.

"Open the damn door!" I snapped.

"Can I know your name?" The voice asked again.

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