58. What's going on!?

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Life is so unpredictable. Isn't it?

It feels like just yesterday when I texted Luciano for the first time which was an embarrassment of the year and now we are fighting a damn war.

Hello, my love!

What was I thinking when I sent him that? I was so childish and I still am and I hope I always have this little kid in me alive.

We walk towards Luciano's house with my hand tightly secured in Luciano's hands. Serena and Leo walk ahead of us silently.

We haven't spoken a single word after we left Dante's house as Serena and Leo came in different car but even Luciano and I haven't talked at all. It all feels so unreal.

My mind just keeps on repeating the same thing over and over.


I've been silent even when Angelo and Luca gave me a bone crushing hug and started speaking nonstop about how all of them were so worried which even ended up with Angelo shedding a few tears.

I love those idiots though.

"Val!!!" I jerk out of my thoughts and all of a sudden I'm surrounded by a number of bodies in yet another hug.

I'm going to die if these people don't leave me soon.

"Guys...I...I'm okay..." I mutter smiling a bit and all of them sigh leaving me slightly but still surrounding me.

"You can clearly see that She is alive so now get a move on. We need a plan. Get inside." Serena's authoritative tone makes everyone move to the drawing room quickly without another word.

Damn! That woman makes me jealous.

Everyone settled down without saying a word and kept looking at each other with raised brows waiting for someone to break the silence

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Everyone settled down without saying a word and kept looking at each other with raised brows waiting for someone to break the silence.

Well I think I should tell them what happened.

"Before we...plan anything, I would like to let you all know what happened and what might happen." I spoke slowly as I felt Luciano giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Go on sweetie." Serena smiles softly as I return the gesture and clear my throat.

"I was at Dante's place..." I started but Of course I didn't get to speak any further.


"HOW? WHY? "




They started yelling and I was too tired to even stop them so I just sat there staring blankly at them as they yelled profanities after profanities and basically the hall looked like chaos in hell.

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