32. Serena

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I'm so thankful to everyone who followed me and supported me yesterday.
Thank you much guys!


"My family thinks I am being unfair to her. They think I was under depression for a month and that's the reason I didn't come out of my room." She chuckles again and looks at me with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"They forgot who I was Valentina which was the biggest mistake they ever made. I was the first and only Female Mafia Leader and still am. Do you think I'm that weak to go under fucking depression just because a stupid girl betrayed me?" She said with the same cold tone and a straight face without any emotions.

What the fuck!!

She was...is.. a mafia leader?!

What did she do in the one month then?

"What do you mean Serena?" I asked with raised brows.

She walked away from the window and sat on one side of the couch crossing her legs.

"Sit." She said pointing on the other side.

I sit there not as gracefully as her and look at her for answers.

"It means that I didn't become a mafia queen after marrying Leo. I was already a mafia queen when I met Leo." She said locking eyes with me.

"Already?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"I was born into a mafia family. I was the only child so my parents trained me hard for it. When they were on a trip to paris they were attacked and killed. I was eighteen at that time and I became a mafia leader." She snorted with a bitter expression.

"I loved the power and authority u got. Ive always loved that when my father was the leader and I became like him. Indestructible. My members were scared of doing anything wrong and getting killed. We became stronger as a mafia even more than when my father was ruling." She smiled looking at a picture frame with a couple and a young girl.

Thats Serena with her parents. I can't imagine living without my parents and to top it off living with knowing that someone killed them is so terrifying.

"People tried to kill me thinking I'm just a weak teenager who is too busy partying her life but obviously they failed. My own uncle tried to kill me for the position. Can you believe that!?" She chuckled darkly.

"I didn't need to ask him why he tried to do that but I did make him pay. I made him suffer for killing my parents. Yes. He was the one who killed them. That was the first time I actually felt betrayed." She said as a single tear rolled down her eyes.

I moved closer and hugged her to comfort her. I didn't know what to say. I'm not really good at this.

I can't imagine what she went through.

"They say betrayal always comes from the ones you love not your enemies and that's so true. We were always taught to stay together since we were kids but experiencing it was so difficult without anyone by my side.' She said and straightened up wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Serena." I said squeezing her hand to let her know that I'm here for her.

"So when my own daughter ran away with the enemy I felt betrayed. Again. I killed my uncle for betraying us but I did leave her alone Valentina. I'm not really a forgiving woman. I have killed a lot of people who deserved it." She said looking ahead.

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