33. Dark Promises

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Where did I put my phone? I'm sure I left it on the bedside table but now I can't find it.

"Ugh... Emma??" I yelled from my room hoping she heard me but got no answer.

"Nia??? Cody?? Luciano...fucking hell...Anyone?!" I yelled again and a minute later Ivan comes inside.

"What happened? Finally got annoyed with yourself?" He laughed while I glared at him.

"No you idiot. I can't find my phone. Call me." I replied and he jumped on the bed. Literally.

"Why would I call you of all people?" He smirked putting his hands behind his head.

I swear I'll beat his ass up if he does not help me soon.

"Forget it. Luciano..." I yelled again making the little Ivy chuckle.

"Stop enjoying and get your ass out of here." I muttered so he threw a pillow at my face which I dodged.

"Now who's being annoying!?" I glared and jumped on him taking a pillow and hitting him making him laugh more.

Are we really adults!? Why do we act like kids all the time!?

"I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine." He said laughing.

"Really? You called me to watch you two fight like kids?" I hear Luciano's voice and I turn still sitting on Ivan.

He stood there with an irritated expression but still amused and walked towards us.

"I can't find my phone. Can you call on my cell?" I asked smiling sheepishly.

"Of course love." He smiled and took his phone out and soon enough I heard the ringtone from one of the bags I packed as we are leaving in an hour.

I got up from the bed and opened my bag to find my phone in between my clothes.

"Great underwear." Ivan comments.

"Thanks. My choice is always great." I smirked back at him making Luciano laugh at us.

What!? You don't expect me to blush and shy away like a little good girl. Right? That's not me.

I take my phone and zip up the bag and then went inside the closet to check if I left anything else.

"How the hell did you manage to pack your phone in the bag?" Ivan asked amused as I walk back inside the room while Luciano is sending pictures from my phone to his I suppose.

"I don't know how that happened...and how the fuck did you manage to crack my phones password!?" I exclaimed as I stood in front of him.

"Ohh yeah ofcourse because pancakes is such a hard password to crack!" He said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

I love pancakes! What's wrong in having them as my password!?

Ivan laughed loudly looking at us while I glared at both the brothers.

"Assholes." I muttered and looked at what he is doing.

Surely he was taking pictures we took while we were here and some of my single pictures.

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