49. Barbie Girl

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I groaned loudly hearing the Barbie Girl song play loudly in the room.

I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic

The fuck is going on!?

You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

Oh, my God!

You can touch
You can play
If you say, "I'm always yours"


"What the fuck!? Stop listening to crap this early in the morning!" Luciano grumbled covering himself fully with the blanket.

"I don't know what's happening! I didnt start it." I snapped annoyed by everything as the same bloody lines are repeated.

You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

You can touch
You can play
If you say, "I'm always yours"

"For fucks sake I'll undress you and touch you again and Ofcourse I'm always yours! Now please stop it woman!" Luciano groaned opening his eyes with a pleading yet irritated look.

Thats not how you looked at me while you were inside me! Fucking idiot.

"For the last time...I'm not listening. Its probably your phone. Go and search. I'm quite tired from last night." I closed my eyes when someone ripped the blanket off of me making me shiver as cold air touched my naked body.

I'm going to fucking kill him!

"I am tired too from having sex with an animal! Its your fucking phone on the desk. Who the hell calls three times in a row at seven in the morning!?" He glared at me and then at the phone.

Did he just call me an animal!?

"IT'S NOT LIKE YOU WERE A GENTLE FUCKING MAN! YOU WERE EQUALLY AN ANIMAL IF YOU CALL ME ONE!" I yelled slapping his arm and getting up completely naked as it was indeed my phone.

I do not have this barbie song though as ring tone. I'm sure its someone else's doing which reminds me I really need to change my damn password.

It must me one of my lovely friends.

I took my phone off the table and see the screen light up again with a call showing me the picture of me with Mom.

Why did Mom call me four times this early? Did something happen?

"Hey Mom! Is everything alright?" I answered the call with a groggy unattractive voice and turn to go back to the bed feeling cold.

"VALENTINA  MARTINEZ! I'm so disappointed in you." Mom yelled loudly as I sat on the bed making Luciano widen his eyes a little.

He must have heard it too. Just fucking great. What did I even do?

"Mom...what's wrong?" I asked slowly confused honestly while Luciano raised an eyebrow in question and sat up.

"I want you home in an hour. Do you hear me?" She said in a strict voice.

"But Mom what..." I started when she cut me off.

"Do not make me more mad Valentina. Just come home and we will talk." She hissed making me widen my eyes in a bit of fear.

Mom never gets mad that easily so this has to be something serious if she is this mad and I don't know what that is!

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