Where he asked her

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Hello everyone!

Some of you haven't gotten any notification on the recent chapter update ie. Where he asked her.

Please let me know if this has occurred to many so that I can publish it again. I think its a wattpad glitch.

Also check if you can find it in the book itself and if its not visible then comment here so I'll post it again for you all.

Thank you!


Here is the copy of the chapter for those who cannot find it.


Everyone is sleeping right now and it has been fifteen minutes since Luciano dropped us home. Sandra is making her baby food for the night because Carol told me that Olivia wakes up twice at night for food and it has been three hours since she was last fed so I'll make her sleep after she eats. Hopefully, everything goes alright.

I'm not really an eligible person to take care of babies and not because of the fact that I am scared but because I don't have any experience. I'm the youngest child in my family and all of my cousins and brothers are older than me.

"Here sweetie." Sandra hands me the bowl with her food. It looks yucky.

"Are you sure this is what she is supposed to eat?" I asked scrunching up my nose.

"Yes of course. This is baby food." Sandra replied giggling like a school girl.

"Okay Liv....let's have some food..." I said in a baby voice bringing the spoon towards her mouth.

She is sitting in my lap because we don't have that cute chair for her here. I'm more comfortable anyway.

"Why is she not having it?" I asked panicking when Olivia turned her mouth not even opening it making a crying face.

"Its okay sweetheart. Don't worry. She is being away from her parents for the first time and you're feeding her for the first time too. Let her get used to you." Sandra explained rubbing my back.

"Cmon princess...have some food for Aunt Val...cmon baby.." I tried again and she did take some of it from the spoon making me sigh in relief.

Thats what I did for the next thirty minutes. She denied so many times but I tried to make her eat as much as I can and let me tell you I'm not very patient but here I'm being so patient.

She is a sweetheart though. She hasn't even cried as much as I was expecting. I mean that's what babies do. Right?

Sandra is currently burping her as she said that is very important after a baby eats and I'm making some space in my room for her crib. Thankfully they had a foldable one or I don't know where I would have made her sleep.

Carol has made sure that Olivia has each and every item she uses daily so she feels more familiar. She is such an amazing mother although now after setting up her things, my room feels like a baby room.

"Here, she is asleep. Call me if you need anything. I'll be here or do you want me to stay here?" Sandra asked smiling sweetly.

"No Sandra. You're doing enough already but I'll call you if I need help. Thanks." I smiled taking Liv from her.

"Goodnight!" Sandra kissed my cheek and skipped out of my room.

"Alright...let's get you to bed just like your Mommy explained." I whispered and slowly put her down inside the soft mattress of her crib.


I would love to sleep there.

Unfortunately its a small one or we could have tried to fit atleast.

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