52. Meeting the parents

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A few more chapters to go for this book to end.😌

Do you think there will be/should be a sequel to this book?

"I..." Vanessa stuttered looking down with a frown.

"What is it Vans?" Emma asked putting her hand on Vanessa's shoulder.

I seriously think something is wrong. This is not the Vanessa I know.

"I...I don't want to be with Eric!" Vanessa blurted out.

All the three of us freeze and stare at her with wide eyes with only one thing in my mind. How's that even possible!? They have loved each other since such a long time and they're so happy together!

"You're joking. Right?" Emma asked with a worried look.

"Why would I joke about this!?" Vanessa exclaimed.

"Well because of the fact that you two have loved each other since high school and you two are really happy with each other!" Nia snapped.

"She is right. You two are perfect. What happened?" I said coming back from my thoughts.

Vanessa didn't say anything for a few minutes and Nia, Emma and I sat there awkwardly staring at each other because we really are bad at this stuff. We don't know what to do.

"Is she going to speak!?" Nia muttered so only Emma and I can hear while Emma shrugs.

This is not how I wanted my night to turn. What the hell is happening today!?

Suddenly, we hear Vanessa laughing like a maniac clutching her stomach making us more shocked.

I look at her with narrowed eyes not knowing what's wrong with her while she is still laughing.

"Why is she acting like a creep?" Nia thought out loud making Vanessa stop and glare at her.

"I'm not acting like a creep!" She snapped clearing her throat and taking a sip of water.

"You so are! Was that a joke?" Emma demanded looking just like my mother when she was mad at me this morning.

"Obviously! I love Eric!" Vanessa sighed smiling.

"You're such a bitch!" Nia exclaimed throwing chips on Vanessa.

Real mature.

"Why would you even do that!? Do you even know how worried and shocked we were!?" I snapped putting much needed ice cream in my mouth after this nonsense.

"Geez... I was just kidding but there is something I wanna tell you guys." She stared at us with a broad grin on her small face making us look at her in question.

"Well then What are you waiting for? Speak already!" Emma said tapping nodding at her.

"Wait..." Vanessa said and took her phone out and dialled someone making us groan in confusion yet again.

"Hey babe..."

Eric it is then.

"No...yeah...everything is fine. I just can't keep it from them. You know it and I don't want to tell them without you so I called."


"I'm sure. I'm putting you on speaker. Is Cody with you?"

"Cool." She looked at us with the same grin and put Eric on speaker.

"Okay. So we have to tell you guys something." Vanessa said.

"Is it about your last jar of nutella in the fridge? Because...I didn't eat it! We hear Cody speak quickly making Vanessa's mouth form an O as she glared at the screen.

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