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Hello loves!❤

A lot has been going on in my life lately which is why I was unable to update frequently.

I was diagnosed with PCOS (POLY CYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME)  two years ago.
PCOS is a lifestyle disorder but still the cause is unknown. There is no specific cure for it. We can only reduce or manage the symptoms. Of course by having a healthy and active lifestyle, it can be reversed. That's the only cure.

Well...even with all the damn pathetic symptoms like constant mood swings, completely disturbed menstrual cycle, hirsutism( male pattern hair growth), hair loss, cystic acne ( all the time) and many more, I was still confident and didn't let it affect me much.

And I'm also not the Pcos patient who does not get enough period. Its quite the opposite actually...my period doesnt stop. Literally! 😩 Also i don't suffer from any major weight gain either.

Since last year though, when quarantine started, my lifestyle changed...I was more lazy?😂 Let's just say I was not moving much in terms of exercise and I was eating all the food I am not supposed to and so my symptoms started worsening.

My period just didn't stop at all. It was like when I took medicine, it stopped for the time being and then it started again and this has been going on for the last whole year.

Last month after I updated, I was stressed (this is my triggering point which worsens my symptoms) because of nearing of my university result date and I got my period again when I stopped my medicine and it became more horrible. It was severe Menorrhagia (severe uterine bleeding). It was so bad that I couldn't even stand properly without support and the pain was just so bad.

Thankfully it didnt come to me getting hospitalised and it took three days for the bleeding to stop.

So due to all of that, it took a toll on me and I didn't even think about writing at all. I distracted myself with reading and just reading.

I'm changing my lifestyle now so hopefully I'll be back to normal as time goes.😌

That and also I'm not really feeling that good while writing here on Wattpad. It just doesnt feel like the space I used to enjoy writing in. So basically, that also keeps on demotivating me. There was also a time when I thought of just discontinuing this book but of course I cannot do that to you all.

I don't know why all of this is happening to be honest. I really used to enjoy writing here but it feels different now.

This was it my loves. I know it was a long rant but I had to let you all know why I've been inconsistent in updating.

Thanks for reading this. It means a lot to me. 🤗

Love ya❤


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