28. Baby Talk

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All of a sudden I felt something touching my legs so my head immediately moved down to look at what it is only to see something crawling in the dark making me scream in fear.

"Oh, my God!" I yelled as Luciano's head jerks up and follows my line of vision and his eyes widens.

"Fuck. Not now." Luciano hissed glaring at the form as if knowing exactly what is happening.

I stand there shocked and look at Luciano as he turns to me.

"What's happening?!" I asked him and then looked back at Angelo.


That dickhead who is more annoying than me is literally crawling around us like a damn baby!

"He is drunk." Luciano states and glares at Angelo who without a care in the world grins at him and sticks his hand out for Luciano to pick him.

Oh, my God!

Did he just...?

Yes he did..

Thats so fucking hilarious. Angelo wants Luciano to pick him up. Imagine an elephant picking up another elephant.

I couldn't help as I laughed loudly in a very unladylike fashion making both of them to look at me.

Luciano glared at me knowing exactly why I was laughing and stepped towards me but Angelo grabbed his legs pouting and making baby noises.

"Damn!" I laughed more loudly than before clutching my stomach in the process.

"Stop fucking laughing Valentina." Luciano said in a cold voice but having no effect on me.


Does he really think he can scare me? Me? Valentina Martinez?

"But this is so hilarious." I said controlling myself a little.

"No. Its not. He acts like a baby when he is drunk out of his mind. He knows this and still this idiot drank that much." Luciano said with gritted teeth obviously used to it.

"I think I should record this beautiful moment between you two." I said smirking mischievously at him making his glare intensify.

I take out my phone and open the camera when I felt a tug at my skirt making me yelp.

"What the fuck!?" I stepped away as Angelo came towards me pouting still crawling and putting his hands out for me to pick him up.

I looked at him in horror as my phone slips out of my hand and look at Luciano for help to see him now smirking fully with crossed arms.

This is not karma for laughing at Luciano. Right?

"Mommy.." Angelo whines grabbing my legs making me shake my legs to move him away.

I'll gladly die now.

"No..Shoo..shoo..I'm not your mommy..shoo.." I shooed him like you do to a dog.

I mean that's how you shoo away babies right?

I suddenly hear Luciano's booming laughter as he looked at us laughing like a maniac.

"Why are you fucking laughing!?" I snapped at him making him look at me grinning now.

"Love, I don't know if I should be worried about our kids or be happy that I would have live entertainment." He chuckles coming closer.

Our kids!?

Oh no..that's not happening.

"Who the fuck said we are having kids!" I snapped angry at him.

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