35. Angry David

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*Please read this*

I have been contacted by Dreame to publish my work there and I'll get paid too. I was contacted a year ago too but I didn't sign the contract.

The thing is if I sign the contract then I won't be able to publish here on wattpad as its an exclusive contract and I don't want to do that to my wattpad readers as i won't be able to update this book here.

You guys are more important to me than anything and I wont do it just for getting paid. I'm a reader first then a writer. I can't do that to you all. You have supported me a lot.❤

What do you guys think I should do?


"VALENTINA...." Cody yelled for the hundredth time in last thirty minutes to get me out of my room as we are kind of late for college.

I grinned straightening my hair. Everyone already left actually because college started like one hour ago and only Cody and I were asleep so we just told them to go as he had to eat like a pig and I had to sleep more.

 Everyone already left actually because college started like one hour ago and only Cody and I were asleep so we just told them to go as he had to eat like a pig and I had to sleep more

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I quickly run out of my room and out in the sitting area where he was seated on the couch and there were other men present.


New people to annoy.

Its going to be fun today.

I stand away for a minute to observe the other boys. Each and every single one is hot as fuck. How did I get this lucky to be surrounded by hot men all of a sudden?

"Finally!" Cody sighed dramatically after noticing me so I walked closer and all of them stood up.

I grinned at him and looked questioningly at the other five boys standing there.

"Luca dropped them off here. Luciano assigned them to be your bodyguards." Cody explained and I nodded.

"Introduce yourself." I stated staring at each one of them.

"Hi! I'm Ryder." The blonde one with green eyes spoke.

"And I'm James." The dimpled guy with cute freckles chirped enthusiastically smiling.

Aww...he is so cute.

"I'm Mason." He is the one with brown hair and black eyes.

The Fine Art Of Annoying A Mafia KingWhere stories live. Discover now