07. Chocolate Genie

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"We have to tell you three something." Mom said excitedly clapping her hands as we all settled down for dinner.

"Okay....?" I asked smiling a bit raising an eyebrow.

Liam and David looked at both of them waiting.

"WE'RE GOING TO WORLD TOUR!" Mom yells jumping and hugging dad.

"WHAT? SERIOUSLY MOM!? YOU ARE THE BEST. WHEN ARE WE  GOING?" David too yells in excitement.

"Ohh honey...No. Not you. I meant your dad and me. Why would I take you to third wheel when we can get all freaky alone?" Mom said smirking at dad while dad returned her smirk with a kiss.

"What? But that's not fair!" David whined stomping his feet.

Is he really 23!?

"I think its an amazing idea guys. You both deserve a break." I hugged them both being happy for them.

"Yeah Val is right. You both finally got time to be with each other without work stress. This is great." Liam smiles at them.

We all look at David and he is sitting on his chair pouting.

"Don't make me look like a mean monster. Alright? I'm happy too you guys. Go and fuck without interruption." David said and we all laughed at his last choice of words.

"So when are you both leaving?" I asked.

"Next week." Mom answered.

Later I picked out my outfit for the next day and took a shower. I just like to decide beforehand cuz I don't wake up on time. I'm usually late so this is better than looking like crap.

I took my phone as I settled inside my blankets.

Should I text Luciano? I don't want to look like an attention seeking person and I  have already done that enough so I guess no texts for tonight.


"I'm coming you bitch stop shouting." I yelled at Vanessa as I got out of my car.

I told you I am late most of the time and today is no different. And Vanessa is a time freak if thats a thing. She does not like it when someone is late.

"When are you going to grow up" she snaps at me as I roll my eyes at her.

"So how's it going with Mr. Sex god of yours?" Nia asked in a teasing tone.

"Great." I smirked.

I totally forgot to annoy him since last night and today I'm running late. He must be thinking that he got rid of me. Not so easily baby.

"So guys....I was thinking maybe we should b..." Nia started when Emma cut her off.

"We are not bunking today Nia. No. Definitely no. Do not even try."

"Fine. " Nia groaned and we all moved to our respective classes.

During class my phone beeped continuously so I checked it though I didn't want to.

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