08. See you soon

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I'm currently in a movie theater watching a stupid movie where the female keeps on crying and crying. Like why the fuck can't they make a happy movie!?

Its all because of Emma! She forced us all to watch this pathetic excuse of a romantic movie and now I'm bored as hell cuz I just can't torture my eyes to watch it.

Vanessa and Cody are already asleep. Nia is snoring rather loudly and a couple behind us keeps giving us weird looks but who cares!? This is torture!

Only Emma and Eric are enjoying it if you call sobbing during the entire movie enjoying.

Why not have some fun while I'm stuck here?

I'm bored.

My love🖤
So what am I supposed to do?

Entertain me peasant.

My love🖤
I'm the king.

And I'm your goddamn Queen!! Now entertain me you old grumpy man.

My love🖤
I don't entertain people.
That's not my business and I'm not old.

You're so boriiiiinnggg.😒

My love🖤

Tell me about yourself.

My love🖤
You already know I'm the head of mafia.

We are not doing a business deal Luciano. Tell me about YOU. Not your work.

My love🖤
There is nothing to know about me.

Great. You don't trust me but that's okay. I haven't given you a reason to.

My love🖤
You're smart.

So you own the Italian mafia?

My love🖤

Oh come on Luciano. Give me some fucking details.

My love🖤
You're so stubborn woman! What do you want?

I want to get to know you.

My love🖤
Fine. Ask.

Tell me about your family?

My love🖤
Mother. Father. One sister and three brothers.

Wow. You got a big one. Are they also a part of mafia?

My love🖤
I'll tell you about my life when you decide to show me who you are.

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