15. Undefeated Champion or not?

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"So you're saying that you will fly out tonight to meet this Leo guy?" Cody asked raising his eyebrow.

"Yes dad." I replied and jumped inside the pool.

Its my fight tonight so I'm not practicing today and just relaxing. Everyone decided to chill in the pool so here we are. Its Saturday after all.

"And you want to go alone? Do you realise how suicidal that sounds?" Cody said taking a sip of his drink.

"Bro thats not the fucking point. The main point is that this bitch here wants to go to Hawaii where this Leo stays and she wants to go alone! She wants to go to Hawaii alone!" Nia exclaimed dramatically.

"I'm not going there for vacation Nia." I replied rolling my eyes at her.

"You're seriously trusting an old guy you have known for two weeks that too two years ago and not to forget the one who stays in Hawaii??" Eric asked me in disbelief.

"Um...what does him living in Hawaii has anything to do with trusting him?" I asked in confusion.

"What if this is a trap of Dante to get you to him and this Leo is helping him? What if this Mia thingy is just a lie to get you Val?" Emma said making me think for a second.

That is a possibility. After all I don't really know Leo. What if he is with Dante?

"That does not matter. If you're going to Hawaii then we will come too. Why should we stay here and suffer in college when you get to have a good tan?" Vanessa argued.

Oh my God! My friends are five year olds. What am I gonna do with these idiots? Please someone save me.

"But guys..." I started when all of them cut me off.

"We are coming. "I sighed shaking my head.

"Yay! Vacation time!" Nia yelled.

Back in my room I get a text from Luciano.

My love🖤
You sure you don't want to meet me? I'm flying to my parents place in Italy and I won't be back soon.

His parents live in Italy? I didn't know that. I thought everyone in his family lived in New york.

Guess we will have to wait then. I'm going out too.

My love🖤
Where are you going?

Can't tell you.

My love🖤
Don't give me this bullshit all the time.

I have to honey.

I'm not going to Italy, I'm sure.😁

My love🖤

Just let it go. Its a vacation.

My love🖤
Where is this vacation Valentina?

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