03. Hello, my love!

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"That was amazing Vans!" I hug Vanessa as she comes into the changing room after winning the fight.

"Yeah. You were so good." Em said and all of us do a group hug.

"Thanks guys. It felt so good breaking some bones after a long time." Vans sighed peacefully.

Is this weird?

I don't think so.

Even I feel good after a fight.

"You mean two weeks is a long time?" Cody laughs.

"Obviously dude." Vanessa replies giving him a sheepish smile.

"Alright. Let's get out of here." I said.

They all agreed and we walked out of the room so she can change and we wait for her near the exit.

I look around to find a group of men dressed in suits. They dont look like they come here often.

"Looks like they're waiting for someone." Nia mutters looking at them too.

Seconds later we see a Limousine stopping in front of them and the door is opened by one of the men standing there.

Who the fuck comes here in limousine dude!?

This person must be crazy.

I look back there and see a man getting out of the car but his back is turned to us so I can't see his face.


His back looks so hot.

"I know right?" Vanessa, Em and Nia agree with me and I realised that I said that out loud.

When did Vans come back?

He slowly turns around to look at the man saying something to him and I think my ovaries just burst.

Oh my goodness! Men like him exist!?

Its like my insides are screaming at me to go and touch that sexy piece of man.

He looks like a freaking Sex God!

He is still talking and he looks so good while talking. He has this five o'clock shadow, some of his tattoos are peaking out of his shirt's collar and it looks hot af.

His hands suddenly wrapped around the man's throat giving him the coldest glare I've ever seen making a chill run down my spine. I literally got goosebumps looking at his cold form.

I have never felt like this before. And I never got chills or goosebumps just by looking at a man.

He whispers something to the man and throws him down and walks inside the fighting place in strong strides.


My eyes have been blessed by the sex god tonight.

"You girls can close your mouth now. He is gone." Cody said rolling his eyes at us.

"Who the hell was that?"

"Why am I seeing him for the first time?"

"He looks like a bad guy. Not my type."

"That man was so lucky to feel sexy hands of that Greek God on his throat."

Yeah the last one was from Nia. Of course.

"I don't know man. I saw him for the first time tonight." Cody replies.

"You don't even know his name?" I asked irritated.

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