37. Are you ready?

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"As much as I enjoy the show, I would like it if you two kids stop it and Valentina...How the fuck did you get this hot piece of ass!?"

I rolled my eyes before pulling away from Luciano and looked at the person who is grinning like a fool while staring at Luciano.

"Seriously Caroline?" I playfully glare at her while she comes and stands in front of us.

"Missed you so much Cookie!" She whispered hugging me.

"I missed you too Carol!" I said hugging her back.

"Why would anyone miss this handsome cousin?!" David muttered crossing his arms with narrowed eyes.

"Of course I missed you too Dave!" She put her arms around him like a protective mother.

Caroline is the only cousin sister we have. She is the daughter of my Aunt Rachel, dad's sister.

She is twenty eight and married to Nick who was her personal assistant at the time. There story is so damn good and romantic. She inherited her fathers business and now runs the entire business.

They have a sweet little munchkin of seven months named Olivia and she is the most adorable kid ever.

"Where is Nick and Olivia?" I asked her and she pointed towards the door.

"He is having a little alone time with her. He can't leave her for a minute I tell you." She rolled her eyes making me shake my head.

"And that's a good thing I believe?" David said.

"Yeah I know that but he needs to let her be. She needs her space too." She muttered looking at Luciano questioningly who is sitting calmly observing everyone.

"He is Luciano and she is my cousin Caroline." I introduced them and he stood up holding his hand out for her.

"Nice to meet you." Carol smiled.

"Likewise." He nodded.

"So are you two dating?" She waggled her brows at both of us making me roll my eyes.

"Why are you here Carol?" I chuckled.

"Oh yeah! So I need your help. Please don't say no. Please." She looks at me and David pouting.

"What is it?" David asked.

"I'm going out of town with Nick for two days as we haven't been alone for a long time and now Olivia eats real human food and we thought we might go and have some alone time so I thought maybe you would take care of Olivia till then but now speaking this whole plan out loud sounds stupid. Fuck I can't leave my daughter alone. No..." She started rambling making me remember Serena.

She used to do the same. I miss her.

"Calm down Carol. I think you both do need a break so don't worry. We will take care of Olivia." I smile rubbing her arms to calm her.

"Are you sure?" She asked apologetically.

"Hundred percent." I said squeezing her hands.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Nick spoke coming inside with a sleeping Olivia in his arms.

"Don't worry Nick. We will take good care of her and god only knows how much you both need a break. " David said patting Nick on the back.

"If only Mom and Dad were here then you wouldn't have to do this." Carol said signing sadly.

Uncle and Aunt don't live here. They moved to Italy, his childhood home and Nicks parents are divorced and let's just say not capable of taking care of a baby. They never were good parents to Nick. He didn't have a good childhood making him more protective and loving towards Olivia.

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