01. Food over anything

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(I'm not shouting. Promise.😂)

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I'm late.

So fucking late.

They're going to kill me.

You better have everything ready for my arrival to hell Satan or I won't be happy.

Well let me introduce myself.

I'm Valentina Martinez. I'm a 20 year old college going female. I study fashion designing. It has been my childhood dream to have my own fashion line. My parents are loaded not me though. My mother is one of the best interior designer in New York while My dad is a businessman.

My older brother Liam who is 25 is a Lawyer. He always wanted to be one so he didn't take over our parents business.

My other idiot of a brother David who is 22 works with Dad and is going to take over the business. He is a lazy ass and I'm not even joking. He practically cried in front of hundreds of people because he did not want to work at all and wants me to take over the company and let him enjoy peacefully.

I wouldn't mind that because I love him but I'm doing what I love so I guess he'll have to deal with it.

I park my car in front of my bestfriend Emma's house or a mansion actually. Emma is a street racer just like me and we are the best and I'm not even exaggerating.

Though we all are badass as people call us, we are just like other normal 20 year olds with extra interests like races and fights and taking no bullshit from anybody.

I enter inside cautiously knowing all five of them very well. They always pull a prank on me whenever I'm late for these movie nights.

As I move towards the drawing room I don't hear any voice surprisingly but confirming my suspicions that they're up to something bad and my suspicions are confirmed when I am drenched in cold freaking water from head to toe.

Yes Ladies and gentleman that's my friends for you. I was just FIVE minutes late for crying out loud!

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU FAT ASSES!?" I yell looking at them while they're busy laughing their asses off on the floor.

Eric being a little good boy of our group brings me a towel and gives me a small sheepish smile.

He is the sweetest person in our little group of wild people. He has a beautiful mixture of Indian and Japanese looks as his mother is an Indian and his father, a Japanese.

"I'm sorry Val. You know them." He smiles apologetically pointing those idiots who are still laughing.

Emma stops everyone with a rather bad attempt at clearing her throat and the four of them finally shut up.

"You're late bitch." Vanessa said glaring playfully.

She also fights with me and we're good in that too but not the best. Some dude named Blade is actually the best. I can't wait to beat him.

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