31. Coldness of the Queen

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She said with such dominance and power as her voice boomed around the mansion making everyone in the room lower their head in submission even Leo making me feel more respectful towards Serena and Leo.

As this was not the caring mother who was talking alright.


We all stood there in silence. Nobody dared utter a single word. The twins who can never be silent are quiet right now.

Now I know why Luciano being the Mafia king took his defeat so proudly when I won the fight and he lost because he was raised by a strong Queen.

"Per favore, perdonami, amore mio. Non ho mai avuto intenzione di farti mancare di rispetto. Ho mentito perché non avevo altre opzioni .." Leo started slowly when Serena cut him off.

(Translation-Please forgive me, my love. I never intended to disrespect you. I lied because I had no other options ..)

"Nessuna altra opzione che dici !? Avresti potuto dirmi la verità ma tutti voi avete deciso di giocare con i miei sentimenti." She fumed looking at all of us.

(Translation- No other option you say !? You could have told me the truth, but all of you decided to play with my feelings.)

I'm not that fluent in italian but I can understand it pretty well as my grandmother is Italian and I'm so thankful for that right now.

"Siamo estremamente dispiaciuti mamma. Pensavamo solo che ti saresti arrabbiato se ti avessimo detto che stavamo cercando Mia.." Luciano said softly making her more mad.

(Translation-We are extremely sorry mom. We just thought you'd be mad if we told you we were looking for Mia..)

"Giusto! Sono estremamente arrabbiato in questo momento. Quella ragazza ha tradito la famiglia. Lei tradito la nostra mafia ... Non posso mai perdonarla per quello che ha fatto a tutti noi. È stata cresciuta per essere un membro della mafia forte e potente, non una ragazza debole innamorata." She hissed clenching her jaws.

(Translation- Thats right! I am extremely angry right now. That girl betrayed the family. She betrayed our mafia ... I can never forgive her for what she has done to all of us. She was raised to be a strong and powerful member of the mafia, not a weak girl in love.)

Damn! So this is what it is about. I didn't know she was this much mad at Mia. I just thought she was upset but looks like Serena values her family and the mafia too much and Mia running away willingly just made her feel betrayed.

"Qualunque cosa sia, ma è nostra figlia Serena. Dobbiamo salvarla." Leo said with a soft yet determined voice.

(Translation- Whatever it is, but it's our daughter Serena. We have to save her.)

"La stessa figlia che ci ha tradito e scappato con il nemico." She snapped making me flinch at her cold tone.

(Translation- The same daughter who betrayed us and ran away with the enemy)

"Why is everyone speaking so much italian? I don't understand a word." I hear Cody whispering to Nia besides me.

"People use their mother tongue when they are angry sometimes." Nia whispered back.

I glared at them indicating them to shut up as now is not the time for their stupid jokes.

"Serena?" I call her making everyone turn to me including her.

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