42. He was here?

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Unknown number:
Just thought why not click pictures of your precious moments for you. After all, its not going to last long. I hope you have a good night.

How the fuck is this even possible!? Its obvious someone from the security is either being paid or he is with them or worst... that asshole was here and I don't know how's that even possible.

At least you got good pictures.

Shut up.

This is so frustrating honestly. Now, he is this close to us and that's just crazy and kind of scary. I don't know what the hell does he even want from me. He knows bloody well that I am never going to forgive him. No matter what and still these pathetic attempts!

Now what are we going to do? If he was this close tonight then there are high chances of him trying something to get me and I can't let that happen.

I quickly get out of the bed and checked if Liv is still asleep and the baby monitor is working. I ran down the hallway literally barging into Cody's room to find him snoring peacefully.

Everyone of my friends except Emma and Me like to sleep early and wake up early and they never disturb their sleep schedule which is great actually but I can't follow that. I'm not really that good in that department.

I walk towards his bed and tapped his arm softly to wake him up which makes him stir a bit but not enough to wake him up.

"Cody?" I called softly shaking him slightly which made him groan and he opened his eyes.

His eyes narrowed in confusion as I don't usually wake him up in the middle of the night and he quickly sits up rubbing his eyes.

"What are you doing here Val?" He asked with a groggy voice.

"I just couldn't sleep." I said in a low voice.

"Wait...Did Luciano do something stupid? I swear I'll kill him if he di..." He started when I cut him off.

"He didn't do anything Cody. Infact the date went really well but when I came back..."I stopped looking around.

"Just speak already Val! I'm not that patient and you're scaring me with these pauses." He said groaning a little.

"Alright. Here." I said handing him my phone.

He looked confused at first and then his expressions turned from confused to mad and then blank at the end.

"Say something." I whispered.

"That...that asshole was here." He gritted out anger emanating off of his body.

"We can't be sure about that...let's go and check the security cameras." I said getting up.

Maybe we will find something or more specifically someone behind all of this.

"Aren't we waking anyone else?" Cody asked as we walk towards the security room downstairs.

"Nope. We'll tell them in the morning." I said.

We reach downstairs and Cody entered first and I walked behind him. He started checking the footage between eleven to twelve which is when I was back.

"From the angle and position our pictures shows that he was standing in the front garden so check that area." I explained and he did just that.

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