54. OH.MY.GOD!!

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I'm back!😌😂

Oh and I saw the group made in last chapter to hunt me down if Valentina dies. I'm so touched you guys! You guys love me so much!🥺😂

Let's see if you can hunt me down now.😌



I don't know what will happen anymore but I am happy that I got to be with all The amazing people in my life. Even though, I was with Luciano for a short period of time, he has become a big part of my life.

I don't wanna die.

It wasn't supposed to end like this.

I will always love you.

With that thought, I let the darkness consume me into a painless sleep hoping someone will save me.

*Recap ends*

"Is she dead?"

"She is breathing..."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Shut up you idiot!"

What the hell is going on?

My body feels like I've been crushed by a bus or something. I can't move my body easily.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Wait for her to open her eyes." A familiar voice speaks as I hear footsteps coming closer.

I hear myself groan while  trying to speak as I felt eyes on me.

"She is waking up." Someone whispers.

"Thanks for stating the obvious!" Another voice snaps.

Can they just stop speaking for a minute!?

"Switch off the ceiling lights." The same familiar voice speaks.


"She is trying to open her eyes. "

"You don't want her to see us? I think we are good looking. You don't have to worry..."

"Ohh for fucks sake...just shut up and do it! It would be easier for her to open her eyes."


Ohh, Indeed.

"Its okay now..You can open your eyes Tina."

Thank you...wait what!?

I open my eyes in a a second and see three men standing above me surrounding the bed I'm laying on.

"How long are you going to stand around my bed like a bunch of creepers?" I snapped as my voice came out hoarse.

They immediately stepped away with a sheepish smile as I try to sit up.

"The doctor has advised you to rest." Came a voice from beside me as a hand slipped behind my back to help me sit up.

I turned my head as my eyes widened with a gasp and my heart started beating faster in fear and shock.

"Hello, Tina." He smiled like he used to before.



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