Chapter 25. My heart

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listen to "Heathens" by 21 pilots.

I wrote this in the middle of a headache so heads up, dudes.


Wait. Yes, you.

Please click that star.

You can proceed for real now. :)

OUTINGS TOGETHER WERE ALWAYS so rare and I knew I had the coming holiday to thank for it. I sucked on my strawberry, breakfast shake and watched Lani and James' stupid batter, barely listening to them. Those two argued about basically everything lately, if I didn't know any better, I'd have said they had something going on.

"I'll hear no more of this, no one is greater than Usher. Argue with your fat ass not me," James was saying which made even Zac look up from his phone to give him an odd look.

"At least I have ass, you're just a flat board," Lani retorted, dropping her fork to snap her fingers. She was right though and the lime green, armless jumpsuit she had on was more than enough proof.

"The only person flat here is Jules so don't even start that topic," James stated matter of factly and I opened my mouth, ready to ask why I was dragged into the dumb argument when Liz's voice floated over my head.

"Why does it feel like we're always talking about ass?" She asked, settling back down on her seat in the middle of Zac and I. "We all know the only person with butt meat here is Lani, no need to keep rubbing it in, geez."

"Hey --" James was about to protest when Liz reached over my body to slap him on the arm.

"Shut up, dickhole," she snapped at her twin, scowling briefly before breaking into a wide grin that always brought out her baby blues eyes. Elizabeth Swiss was beautiful and she certainly knew it as she blew a raspberry at her now scowling twin, as if challenging him to do his own back.

She already knew he wouldn't anyways.

"So," Zac started, drawing everyone's attention to him. He had been silent all through, only glancing up from his phone between conversations. Funny thing was that he was the one that had suggested going out to town for breakfast since everyone was travelling tomorrow. "What time is your flight tomorrow, guys?"

"Nine," Liz replied smoothly, brushing the locks of platinum from her pretty face. The pixie cut always gave her that adorable, elfish look. "I don't know why James insisted we fly public anyways, the airport formalities are so annoying."

"They're not the only annoying things I know," James muttered under his breath, beside me, still rubbing where his sister slapped.

"So what time do you want us to take off?" Zac enquired, eyes on Liz. She was in charge of everything that had to do with the twins, James didn't care either ways. "Southboard is really exhausting to drive to if I don't leave early." Zac was driving to his parent's after dropping the twins off at the airport and Lani was going out of town too, to see her one of her aunt's that just arrived from Nigeria.

I was the only one left without plans. I had plans too, they were just all about studying and catching up alone at home.

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