Chapter 14~ I'm not

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dedicated to Iyanuoluwa-Temi thank you so much, babe.

if anything is confusing anyone so far, please do ask me. This spinoff is for everyone that requested it

also, sorry for the late updates, life be kicking my butt on the daily. Sigh. Fun fact, I can't write without ice-cream lately.

proceed :)


PROFESSOR SYKES WASN'T AT the studio today for some weird reason. The studio door was locked and not seeing the ever friendly Bertram to tell me why my teacher decided to be absent today, I took the elevator back down to the bald receptionist that controlled most of the official activities of the visual arts building, Clarissa.

When I got over to her table, with mild surprise, I saw my new supposed 'arch nemesis', the wannabe Archie Andrews already conversing with the dark skinned lady. The one that wrote the PCA blog that implicated me, Pinky's brother Shane and a whole bunch of others.

With no ounce of remorse, I cut into the conversation and leaned on the counter, flipping my hair over one shoulder to talk. "Hey, Clarissa, Professor Sykes is not around?" I could feel Archibald's eyes burn holes into the side of my head.

Clarissa, ever bright and friendly and rocking a bright red, peplum top smiled at me, her whole face easing and smiling along. "Why this is the same thing I was just explaining to Mr Andrews here --" I actually snorted aloud at this point, I just couldn't help it.

His name was actually Archibald Andrews, it couldn't have been a coincidence.

I spared him a glance, eyes getting irritated by the sight of his lemon sweater vest and watched his eyes narrow in silent challenge, like he was waiting to see if I had the guts to call him out on his name.

Clarissa raised a perfect, penciled eyebrow but continued smoothly. "Professor Sykes is not feeling too well, but I assure you he'll be back by tomorrow. Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused."

"So I can't see him today?" Archibald questioned incredulously, like Clarissa had not just explained this to us perfectly.

"She just said that, genius." I allowed myself to look at the bush of red hair and trailed down to the numerous freckles dotting his cheeks, the resemblance was so freaky.

"I don't remember asking you, giant," he retorted hotly, replying with the same amount, if not more of acid that my own tone had contained.

"Oh, so tallness is a crime around here now," I snapped, removing my weight from the counter and standing up straight to stare down at him, his proud, short and imposing form. "Why don't you bug off and go write all about that?"

Clarissa finally spoke up. "Guys, please behave yourselves. It won't do to fight here, especially you Miss Song." Translation of what Clarissa said; you better not fight on school grounds, especially you with the tainted record.

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