Chapter 7~ Me

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dedicated to Tiwalade101❤ .

this is unedited, feel free to point out my errors.

"Dude, would you calm the fuck down?!" I heard the voice I assumed as Zac's snap back, matching James' tone equally. My head throbbed badly, feeling like it had been hit repeatedly with a pestle and my mouth tasted bitter despite having already brushed.

I needed Tylenol. Badly.

"You think I'd be okay with you walking in now like you did nothing wrong?" James' British accent couldn't be masked whenever he was angry. It was the major giveaway of his true annoyance. I put a hand to my forehead, fearing their raised voices would only worsen my headache. "Do you even realize that she's still a teenager?"

"She's fine, nothing happened. Let it go," Zac was saying when another voice interrupted them, this time it was Liz. I was still standing outside the kitchen door, with my head still pounding as I listened.

"You guys, there's no need to the fight. You'll wake them up." Lani must have still been asleep, but that was odd considering the fact that we shared a room and she wasn't there when I woke.

"Stay out of this Liz, you know exactly why I'm angry at this jerk!"

"Who are you calling a jerk, English boy?" Zac growled and I decided it was high time for me to crash this stupid fight. I already knew the subject matter of their fight was none other than last night's party. The events were kind of blurry now but I could still remember James coming to carry me off the car hood where I had passed out giving him the directions to the party.

"You fucking asshole!" James spat, acidly as I finally entered the kitchen with my arms crossed now. It was too early in the morning to deal with this and I glared daggers at the boys. Liz was on a raised stool by the kitchen island, eyes tired and still in what looked like her last night's party attire, Zac was dressed similarly in last night's clothes while only James stood in his silk pyjamas.

"James please stop," I started, my voice sounded scratchy and tired. "Yes, everyone here realizes I'm not an adult here but I think I'm capable of making my own decisions. Thank you for coming last night but please stay out of this."

"Do you even realize what you were drinking last night?" James questioned, incredulously. His eyes had exhausted shadows under them, those always appeared whenever he missed sleep.

"Just fucking let it go."

"Fine," he hissed, eyes flaring in annoyance and with one last shared look of understanding with his twin, one that she looked as grave as he did, he left the kitchen.

The silence after James left was half awkward as Zac rubbed the back of his neck, slowly and pointedly avoided my eyes. "So you're not mad?" He finally asked after a while. Liz just sat silently, looking between us with eyes still grave.

"I am."

"Jules, I was --"

"I don't wanna hear shit --" I cut him off, still pissed. James was already annoyed and so was I. I didn't want his explanation, I didn't want to hear anything from him at all. I had my class with Professor Sykes in less than hour and my headache wasn't getting any better.

"It's just that --"

"ZAC, I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR!" I was getting pissed by the second as another voice floated into the kitchen in form of the dark skinned girl in shorts and a tank top with her braids a messy ponytail.

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