Chapter 22~ Again

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listen to "What Do You Mean" by Justin Bieber.

Idk why but the image above reminds me so much of James and Julie, only Julie is taller with darker hair.

Proceed, fam.❤

I RECOGNIZED THE SLEEPING DARK mass of brown black hair immediately, he was asleep with his head on a pile of books sitting under his head.

"James?" I whispered softly, reaching to tap him on the back, feeling his soft, gray sweatshirt. "Wake up."

He stirred, lifting his head and, reaching up to rub his hair and stifling a yawn. "Jules?" He seemed to realize where he was as his eyes landed on the tall, brown shelf which contained rows of hardcovers in front of his table.

I pulled up a chair next to him, sinking down. "Have you been here all night?" His eyes were tired, like they needed more sleep and little bags sat under his eyes and it seemed unbelievable but it made him seem even hotter than he usually was. Not that I was going to tell him.

"Looks like it, I guess," he replied, huskily, leaning back and closing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"A few minutes to ten."

"I'm dead."


He released a groan, using a hand to rub his temple slowly and opening his eyes to look over at me. "You remember that project I've been slacking on because I had no inspiration? The one worth half of my total grade for the class?"

"Yeah." I gave him a puzzled expression.

"It's due three today," he deadpanned. "I'm not even half done yet."

I looked down at the books he had been using as a pillow, several sheets of papers containing his obviously hastily scrawled writings peeked out of the huge textbooks.

"Damn." I reached for his hand, holding him and still looking at the textbooks. "How can I help --"

A loud hiss interrupted what I was about to say and I looked behind me only to catch the unmistakable retreating form of the petite, Indian Priyanka Curtis, James' number one stalker.

If James even took notice of the hiss, he didn't even show it as he held my hand tighter and groaned.

"What's her deal?" I asked. She was completely out of sight now.

"Whose deal?"

I was right, he didn't even hear the hiss nor notice her presence. I resisted the urge to smile or roll my eyes.

"Priyanka. She just hissed past right now."

"Did she?" He dropped my hand and pulled out one of the sheets of paper, staring at it and frowning.

"Yeah. Does she still think we're together, that you're in love with me?"

"Yes, she does," he replied absently, eyes still at his scrawls and frown becoming more pronounced by the second. I felt like he wasn't even paying attention to me at all.

"You really should tell her the truth," I sighed.

"And what's the truth?"

"That you're not in love with me," I stated flatly. To be very frank, Priyanka and her gang of rich, snooty kids had been giving attitude for the past few weeks now and I had a dry suspicion it had to do with her assumption that James and I were together. Half the campus thought that already, but I had the uneasy feeling that Priyanka could make my life here miserable because of it.

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