Chapter 26. Whole

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dedicated to Jaan_0718. You're so amazing!!!❤

randomly, everyone drop the first book you ever read on here. I'll start, mine's 'The Roommates' by youngandliving

"SO WHAT DID YOUR FRIEND'S employer eventually say when she found out?" Matthew asked, mid laughter and I looked at him in utter disbelief.

"Do you actually think Carmen would tell the poor woman about letting her daughter wander off into the midst of touts that Carmen had to beat the shit out of before they released the child?" I drank my soda, shrugging and shaking my head simultaneously.

Matthew picked at his fries, still shaking his head as though the story was hard to believe. I didn't blame him anyways, the story still sounded unbelievable to me too. After Carmen had lost the three year old, we advised her to retrace her steps and she had, eventually finding the child in the arms of one of the touts that controlled the area and they claimed to have found the kid fair and square.

And then they actually suggested fighting for the kid.

My tout of a best friend beat them up, black and yellow into rainbows.

"The child," Matthew continued. "What if she tells the mom?"

"That already happened," I told him, leaning back into the chair and crossing my arms. "But the mom thinks the child is saying nonsense because she does have a very imaginative mind to start with." I could picture the plump, light caramel skinned KC dismissing the child's words and concentrating on kneading her flour dough into perfection, gently pushing her rimmed glasses up with her wrist whenever the sweat made them slide to her nose. I liked her, basically everyone did but heavens knew that woman hardly talked.

Some speculated that she was a divorcee, left with the child while others even swore her husband was definitely dead. I had once heard a rumor that she was a lesbian too, but looking at the serious faced, single mother, I knew that wasn't it. She was best left alone, Car knew and always told me this, despite having being with her for so long, even Car knew basically nothing about the quiet woman but Car didn't like to nose about and that was one of the reasons the lady kept her around.

"Your friend sounds so cool." Matthew tore a ketchup packet and spilled it on his fries, lips curved in an amused grin. "Does she school there in Canada?"

I frowned, the topic of Car's schooling was always touchy for her. She hated having to admit she was poor and was working to gather money for schooling later. "No, she doesn't go to school."

He raised an eyebrow. "How old is she?"


"And how old are you?" He paused as if remembering something. "Don't answer if you don't want to, women always think that question is rude and I have no idea why."

"It's fine, I'm seventeen."

His eyes widened. "Woah, uber young."

"I'm turning eighteen next month though. Finally." I had never been this excited for my birthday before, but there was this certain euphoria that came from finally turning eighteen that I couldn't explain.

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