Chapter 3~ See

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Dedicated to Cherry2061

No one could ever nag as much as aunt Cho. I yearned to bang my head on the car seat for the hundredth time this morning as I heard her drone on and on.

I got it, I disgraced us all but this lecture was just doing nothing but annoying me.

"I knew sending you to America was a bad idea, John, I told you, eh?" She spoke rapidly, like each word burnt her tongue. "Juniper is not a child that can be trusted, she always keeps bad company. Remember that Carmen child?"

"She's still friends with Carmen?" My sister, May, interrupted with her voice dripping with distaste. "That girl is a bad influence." I shot May a dirty glare, wondering why heaven had given me such an unsupportive element.

At least, uncle John wasn't talking. He took the driver's seat, with a bagel and diet coke in hand. Most men couldn't focus when they were hungry, he was part of those type of men and I was grateful that he was currently stuffing his face, too distracted to listen to aunt Cho.

"Yes," my aunt said, still miffed. "She still speaks to that Carmen gi--"

I cut her off, talking for the first time in minutes and sounding extremely irritated and annoyed too. "Can we leave Car out of this, please? This has nothing to do with her."

"This has everything to do with her," aunt Cho snapped. She was still straining her neck from the passenger's seat of the fairly used, black Camry to look at me. "You were involved with a cult, Juniper. A cult."

"I'm freaking innocent, I've told you a thousand times!" I brushed my hair aside, away from my face. "Even the school knows that!"

"You just got off lucky," May supplied from beside me and I honestly wished to God that I was born an only child. May sat crossed leg at the back seat, beside me, looking way younger than me in her bright clothes and black hair with multiple colors of highlighters. May was that type of sunny, bright Korean. I was the complete opposite.

"You should be grateful that they're allowing you to stay and retake those exams," May continued, eyes sparking with irritation as she spoke. Her perfectly manicured yellow nails played with her multi-colored hair. "Your offence was pretty serious, they should have expelled you."

"Are you on my side here, dude?" I hissed.

"Do not dude me!" She hissed back. "I'm not one of your stupid, little friends. You really should take your life more seriously. I mean, you came all the way here to America to study fine art."

May thought courses like that were pointless, basically unimportant just because she was studying nursing back in Toronto. It was really none of her business what I chose to do with my life.

Aunt Cho was talking again. "If you mess up this opportunity again, you're coming back home and I swear on your mother's grave, I'm not going to sponsor your education any further." She faced forward, and I heard her dig through her bag and cuss softly before pulling something out. She waved the papers in front of me. "Look at it! This tuition is ridiculous, all for you to study art and fail!"

I placed my forehead on the glass, staring outside at the main, school administration block and the few students that were moving around this early in the morning. It was barely seven in the morning and I was already tired of today.

I heard uncle John speak, probably with his mouth full, the way it sounded. "That money is darn too much for Julie to learn how to draw sticks and twigs." What he said irritated me, it always irritated me whenever people spoke about the arts that way.

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