Chapter 8~ Let me

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so I've been listening to One Direction a lot lately. They can never really die in our hearts :)❤

so who was your favorite 1D member?

also, listen to Story Of My Life again.

"AND THEN HE told me to read the whole freaking chapter all over again. Who does that?" I rattled on to Car, her pale face staring back at mine from the laptop's screen. Her big, blue eyes contained pure amusement as she opened her mouth to finally reply my rant.

"So you don't like the man?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. I heard a noise from over her end and she glanced over the laptop to see what was the cause of the disturbance in her room. "Stupid cat," she murmured, seconds later as she turned her attention back to me.

"Your mom is still keeping that stray?"

"Yeah." She ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair, messing it up. "I'm going to end up making cat soup with that thing. Back to you, so you don't like this blind guy?"

"For completely stupid reasons," James supplied from the floor where he was sprawled on, texting on his phone. "How could you read that whole thing without memorizing Picasso's words, I knew those words since middle school."

I took my pillow off the covers and lobbed it at his insensitive self, wishing I had something heavier to lob. "Excuse me for not being as brilliant as you, English boy," I taunted, watching the frown form on his face. He really didn't like that nickname and that was exactly why we all continued using it.

"Don't call me that, Juniper." He used my real name, in a bid to annoy me and actually succeeding. "Also, I'm not brilliant, quite the opposite of that in fact, just really good at memorizing stuff."

"I hope you can memorize the pain you're going to feel when my fist kisses your face," I sneered, still seething over the name.

"Watching both of you argue makes me insanely happy," Car gushed from the screen, eyes round and shining with excitement. "Where's James, get on screen too. You two should totally fight, my money's on Julie beating your ass though."

James dropped his phone to sit up and lean his upper body on my bed, so his face was now visible to Car. "Car, dude, I thought we were friends." He tutted, shaking his head and mussing up his black brown hair. "You can't even take my side."

"Girls support girls first, bro." Car shrugged, stuffing a potato crisp into her mouth from the bowl that was suddenly seating on her laps. Her bed was cluttered with the oddest assortment of things, ranging from a packet of Pall Mall to a fishing line, she was weird like that. The only thing remotely new about the whole scene was her green, bunny pyjamas.

"I have no friends," James sighed, dramatically. He reached for the pack of opened gummy bears I had left abandoned on the bed, his baby blues searching mine for permission to take it.

I nodded. "Help yourself. My grouchy teacher says that we have to schedule classes more often, that three times a week is not enough," I explained. "Does he realize how uncomfortable that is, plus schoolwork."

"You're just lazy," James commented, lazily as he chewed on my treats.

"Are you trying to get on my nerves this evening? You know what, get out of my room." I pointed at the closed door. "Car and I want to have some girl talk."

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