Chapter 27. I want

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dedicated to Akindelefahd. Thank you for all the votes!♥♥♥

Listen to 'As Long As You Love Me' by Justin Bieber.

I've been planning this chapter for awhile now. Enjoy!❤

"IT'S DARK OUT ALREADY, wow," I commented, getting up from the floor and going by the window to stare outside. PCA was always really breathtaking at night and I rarely ever got to see it because I stayed off campus. The lights were the most beautiful part, virtually all the buildings were lit with that low blue glow which seemed to make everywhere shimmer. Down below, I noticed the cars that had been parked here earlier had disappeared, leaving just two small Toyotas.

I don't want to get sent away, I can't even bear the thought.

"Um, Jake?" I called softly. I had never been here this late, the whole building seemed to have gone quiet as though we were alone. We probably were on this floor though. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes I did, Julie." He was tracing out his book with his fingers, slowly. "I guess we lost track of time, you can go now."

My dismissal was clear, I left the window and went back to my seat and picked up my bag when something occurred to me. "You? What about you? I don't think your car is outside and when I went to go get my coffee earlier, I didn't see Bertie."

"I sent him out of town on an errand," he replied, still tracing out the book. "He'll come pick me up later."

"Oh." I zipped up the bag, rubbing the back of my neck. "Can I take you home instead? We can leave together now."

He groaned, obviously annoyed now as he closed his book with a sharp snap. "Go home, Julie and leave me alone."

"It's just that I don't like the thought of you all alone here and helping you out won't be a problem at all so --"

"Miss Lee Song," he said warningly, looking in my direction and frowning. "Go away."

"Okay." I held my bag tighter and shuffled to the door, opening it. "Bye then." An idea occurred to me there and I decided in a split second to try it out. I shuffled some more at the door then shut it with a loud bang. The idea was for him to believe I had left the room while I still stood there, watching him.

The room's bright lights seemed to emphasize his beautiful features and I just stood there, unable to tear my eyes off him. He had once mentioned that he had gotten his heart broken by a woman once, I wondered what such lady was thinking. The studio on it's own seemed incomplete without that his key presence and I felt like adding a piece of me to the art on the walls too.

I walked over stealthily to his table and picked up a marker, silently thanking my All Stars for not making any noises. I was at the wall now, popping open the marker cap with my hands poised to draw when I heard his honey-like voice.

I froze.

"You know," he started, light and casual. "Students usually ask for permission before defacing my studio wall."

I couldn't talk, there was even nothing I could say. I felt my heart continue pound hard and fast, in danger of cracking my rib cage.

"Also," he continued. "They don't try to play on my intelligence just because I can't see." He finished dryly, getting up from the floor and flexing his knuckles.

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