Chapter 15~ Good

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dedicated to Annie_kakes

this is my most dreaded part of the story. The part where the block sets in. 😂

anyhow, let's go.


I MET JAMES IN THE MAIN PCA courtyard after a class. He was heading towards the library and I was free so I decided to follow him, it was either that or hanging out with my course mates that I hardly ever spoke to. Strictly speaking, I wasn't even all too social and the rumours about me had tainted my image quite enough.

We were walking, side by side and I admired James' tall form, we were basically the same height of six feet but he claimed he was taller. He had on his usual dark Nike hoodie and jeans, his dyed brown black hair all mussed up from him probably running his hands through then repeatedly. A brown pencil sat behind his ear as usual, his supposed mojo.

"Why is it even this sunny?" I heard him groan in annoyance, running his hand through his hair once again. I spotted one of the silver rings he always wore gleam in the sunlight. "I hate this country sometimes." The Brit accent was back and it was laid on very thickly.

"So there's no sun back in Manchester?" I teased lightly, pulling my his baseball cap further down my head. I wore most of his caps, hoodies and shirts, he never did seem to mind sharing his stuff. "Bet it's all dark and dreary there everyday, perfect for a vampire like you."

"Love, Manchester is the best," he whistled, giving me a sly side wink, heaven knew what he did to all girls when he turned on the full charm of that accent. "England is the breeding ground for vampires."

"I'll take your word for it and stay away from that place."

"Says the girl that still fangirls Damon and Stefan," he scoffed, with what I guessed was an eye roll.

"Every girl in her right mind still has a crush on them so don't judge me, vampire."

"I'm not judging," he said with a low chuckle that lit up his voice. "Just saying that you wouldn't mind too much if I turned out to be a vampire."

"You wish --" We were right in front of the huge library now and he stopped walking so abruptly, I ran into his back and stumbled back. " --the fuck, James!" I rubbed my nose, reaching to thump the back of his head, a move he barely felt as he turned immediately.

"Julie, this is going to sound weird but I need you to kiss me now," he whispered urgently, staring down at me with big, blue eyes wide with alarm. "Please," he added with urgency.

"Why?" I was curious, really beyond curious even as his eyes continued to beg me silently.

"Just do it quickly. I'll explain later." I looked around us, a couple of students were straggling in and out of the library, they weren't all too much in number and I knew even at that this scene was going to spread fast.


Then I did it. I actually kissed James right on the lips, it was just a short kiss on the lips but he lingered a bit on it, hands wrapped around me. There was no tongue penetration either, just us pressing our lips against each other and then he released me immediately.

The reason for his action came in form of a short, plump Indian girl that approached us a second later. I knew her all too well, Priyanka Curtis, one of the prettiest girls here on campus and her parents were also well known politicians here in America. She was adopted very young by them and had been spoilt since childhood, she was here in her third year studying Economics here at PCA.

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