Chapter 28. You to

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dedicated to BankoleAyobami3 ❤❤❤

listen to 'Save your tears' by the weeknd

any thoughts? Shoot.

random question, if you could meet any character in this book, who'd it be and what would you ask them?

Let's go? Yup.

"I REALLY THINK IT'S BEST for her to just return with us to Canada," a voice was saying, I didn't recognize whose voice it was but it sounded familiar. If the throbbing in my head would just ease for a minute, I'd be able to think. "There are fancy and expensive private schools like this one over there too, I don't understand why she chose to come all the way here to cause so much trouble in the first place."

"I don't know what I was thinking allowing her to come here in the first place." I recognized this sour voice, it belonged to none other than my aunt. I'd recognize it anywhere.

My family was here? Why?

I tried to lift my eyelids but they felt immensely heavy and I just gave up and tried to ignore the steady pounding in my skull. I tried to move my hands, they felt so heavy especially the right one, I pulled at it and felt some kind of constriction. Like it was tied to something.

Where the heck was I?

"Can we take her with us?" First voice questioned and I recognized the air of superiority that it oozed of, the owner became clear now. It was my older sister, May. "They don't have any evidence to hold her down, do they?"

"I don't know what's going on at this point, dear but the tall cop says it's looking pretty bad."



The words swam about in my head, meaningless and incomprehensible. Where was I? And why were my aunt and sister present? I couldn't remember a thing and my head throbbed worse as I tried to recall.

I shook my hands again, they weren't moving. "Where am I?" I managed to speak, without opening my eyes and my voice sounded weak and feeble, even to my own ears.

"She's awake?!" It was a new voice this time, I could recognize his voice instantly. James. James was here too. He'd clear up the confusion, he was going to explain where I was.

The thought of him made my eyes fly open, immediately blinded by harsh, bright lights. I squinted, trying to adjust to them when I met his baby blues staring at me with the softest expression I've ever seen.



I tried to touch his face but something pulled my hand back. I looked at my right hand, silver handcuffs were fastened around my wrist, hooked to the white, bed frame I was sleeping on.



"Why am I handcuffed? Where am I? What happened to me?" I demanded, maybe it was the sight of the handcuff or the way the three in the room were staring at me, quietly almost pitifully but my voice had returned and I was suddenly alert. "Answer!"

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