Chapter 4~ But

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Dedicated to Denariey

"Jules, get your ass off my spot," James whined, glaring daggers at me. I blew a raspberry at my fellow tenant and continued playing the game I had been engrossed in on my phone before he spoke.

"I'm serious, Julie," he continued, now padding towards me, barefoot and in black pyjama bottoms. "I have to sit there to be able to focus on this stupid notes I'm supposed to study before tomorrow." He waved a blue folder, raising his arm and exposing his unshaven pits through the white tank he had on.

"I got here first," I stated, with absolutely no intention of standing for him. The brown armchair was the best TV seat-- seat, generally-- in this apartment and James hogged it all the time. "Sit somewhere else, or don't sit at all."

"Julie --"

"Sit your flat ass on the floor then."

"But I need to read there," he snapped, baby blue eyes irritated as he ran his hands through his mass of dark hair, evidently pissed. "Just stand up, and my ass is not flat."

"It so is."

"It isn't. Stand up."

"No, I won't --"

"Would you two shut the fuck up?" Lani called, irritated from the couch she was flopped on, on the other side of the room. James and I paused our bickering to stare at the dark skinned girl currently staring at us, annoyed. Lani was African, Nigerian to be precise and her beautiful skin never failed to wow everyone, along with her long, wooly hair which never seemed to stay down. She was here in PCA studying English, currently in her third year. "I don't know why you two always argue over that stupid chair, one day, I'll take it outside and burn it to a crisp just to watch you and James cry."

"You wouldn't," James sniffed, outraged, British accent coming out. His accent barely showed except when he wasn't conscious of it, then the few slips happened.

"She wouldn't," I assured James, assuring myself at the same time but Lani was the kind of girl that did exactly as she said. She had once gone to campus for two weeks straight wearing only sweats because James had said she couldn't do it.

"Just annoy me one more time, guys." She laid back on the couch, braids a mess on the leather as she stared up at the ceiling. "Where's Liz and Zac anyways, I've not seen them all evening."

"Well, you've been sleeping," James scoffed, settling down on the floor beside me and crossing his legs. His notes sat on his laps. "But I think they mentioned going to some party earlier, they're still inside though, so I dunno." He concluded with a shrug and sent an irritated look at me, obviously still annoyed about the chair.

"Yeah, I heard about that frat party too, didn't know it was tonight. I might go, you guys in?" Lani asked, twirling a braid in hand. She had been asleep all evening in those jeans and a blue crop top, I didn't know anyone except her that could sleep comfortably in jeans.

"I have to study." James waved the blue folder. "Julie is indefinitely banned from any social gatherings, so no."

"No need to keep reminding me that I'm not allowed to go parties." I swiped the game off screen, not interested in it anymore. "Besides, you've been brandishing those notes around all week, everyone in this house has read more of that thing than you have."

"True shit, English boy," Lani chuckled, sounding angelic while at it. James didn't reply as he opened the folder and peered in it, for what was likely the first time.

"Ooooh, he's reading, that's rich --" her taunt was cut off by the entrance of the two remaining members of this apartment. All five of us stayed here, in this apartment off campus and we splitted the rent equally, enabling us afford this beautiful place. Truth be told, the twins were just being nice letting us stay here and share the rents, they could afford to buy the whole place. They were immensely rich.

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