Chapter 33. Thing

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"YOU KNOW, WHEN KC SAID to follow what your mind was telling you, I don't think she meant using the last of your savings to travel to England," Car's voice sounded light and apprehensive over the phone. I couldn't blame her though, I just called her a few minutes ago to inform her of my decision and my location.

The airport.

"I can't just sit back there, under my aunt's control," I glanced up at the tv screen in the distance, monitoring my flight time. I still had over thirty minutes more. "I need to see James...and Jake."

"I know but your aunt is going to be really mad."

"Running away isn't the worst thing I've done in recent times," I paused with a small sigh. "I'll be back as soon as I tie up all loose ends."

I heard her give a small laugh and I couldn't help returning it. "She's going to be all over my face for your whereabouts, what should I tell her?"

"That I died."

"Be serious," she warned, trying to sound stern but I could hear the laughter in her voice. "I don't want any more trouble from that hag."

"Tell her I went out of town for a few days, or whatever you like." I watched a little, copper-skinned girl being pulled by her tired-looking mother towards the boarding gate. They reminded me a lot of Bella and KC, I thought about the latter a lot lately, she really was an amazing woman. "I'll call you when I land."

"Safe trip, Jules."

"Thanks." My hands dipped into my tote bag, searching for my passport. I dropped it there earlier along with other basic stuff I'd be needing. "Say hi to Bella and KC for me."

"Will do."

I found my passport, then leaned back into the metal seat, waiting for my flight to start boarding. There was no turning back,  I was going to face my demons today.


"Is this your first time in Bath?"

It was probably my subconscious that heard the question, alerting me to the fact that I was being asked a question. I turned away from the window my face had been pressed against a few seconds ago to reply.

"It's my first time in England," I replied quietly, hoping my tone indicated just how uninterested I was in continuing the conversation.

"Well, I hope you do enjoy your stay here," the old driver smiled kindly, not taking his eyes off the road, the snow made driving all the more tedious but I had the feeling this man was very experienced. I nodded, turning away from him once more, thinking just how grateful I was to Gerard White for sending one of his drivers to fetch me from the airport and to his place.

I had phoned him three days ago and he seemed genuinely glad I wanted to patch things up with Jake and had agreed to host me. I was beyond relieved to find out Jake was staying with him too, it would certainly help to have the cool artist around to interfere in case things went south.

I sighed softly. Just how did everything turn out this way?

"And Mr White is a lovely host..." I heard the driver trail off, apparently not catching the drift I didn't want to socialize. I closed my eyes, zoning out within seconds and falling into a hazy, dream.

A man's voice roused me awake and I opened my eyes to discover the scene in front of me. The black Audi was parked right in front of a large Victorian castle. Castle was the only right word to describe the building, its magnificent walls towered to the sky and I quietly surveyed the never-ending expanse of buildings extending to a forest. The snow made the whole scene look like somewhere straight out of a fairytale. We had parked right in front of the main building, I guessed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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