Chapter 13~ Yours

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dedicated to naeematM❤❤

listen to 'Time' by NF.

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Proceed with caution, I wrote this after binge eating ice-cream ;)

"JESUS, JAMES, WHY ARE YOU always in this room?!" Liz exclaimed, throwing open the door to Lani and I's room and finding all three of us strewn on the floor. Lani and James were watching Supernatural on Netflix on my laptop, while I doubled between texting and painting James' nails with clear nail polish. After the event of me running off three days ago, these two had taken the mission of always being with me at all times.

After Professor Sykes had dropped me off that night in his black Jaguar, I had received a very firm talking to from all of them, including Car on video call. They understood why I had done that but it wasn't okay for me to wander off, I got that.

May didn't call at all. That hurt me more than it should have.

"Trust me, I ask him that same question every single day," Lani said, not looking away from the screen. She was in movie mode and if those pink, duck pyjama bottoms and tank didn't say don't disturb me, I didn't know what else could. James, dressed similarly as Lani but only his was black, had his head on her back, using it as a pillow as he watched the movie, facial expression only changing from the occasional frown to the deadpan.

I sat with my back against the bed, James' legs in my laps and nail polish sitting beside me as I texted Car.

Liz was coming in, dressed in a navy blue oversized sweatshirt and black leggings, her platinum silver pixie cut was a mess and even without make-up or fancy clothes, Liz Swiss was still a goddess. "Then why don't you send him out?" She wondered, blue eyes set on her twin that was currently pretending he couldn't hear any of us.

"He'll come back," Lani sighed. "He always comes back." Lani reached for the laptop, pressing the pause button for the movie before snapping it shut. "What brings you here anyways Liz?"

"Hey, I was watching that," James complained, scowling at the closed laptop as Lani shifted position and his head hit the centre rug. "And ouch!"

"Switching between scowling and frowning at a movie doesn't really qualify as watching it," I informed him, still texting.

"Like you're the one to talk," he shot back, still lying on the rug and looking up at the ceiling with his hands now behind his head. "You've been desecrating my toenails all evening."

Liz spoke up with a chuckle. "In Julie's defence, your toenails were already very much desecrated before."

"And I didn't desecrate it, I made it better," I corrected him, peering at his legs still sitting on my laps and smiling.

"What I don't get," Lani started, playing with her braids with her lips pursued. "Is why everyone is using that desecrated word, is it the word of the evening or what?"

"Hey, James started it," Liz shrugged with a small smile that lit up her elfin, beautiful face.

"Yeah, blame everything on James," James drawled lazily. "It's not like he has his own mind or feelings anyways."

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