Chapter 21~ Love

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here's an update.

Listen to 'watermelon sugar' by Harry Styles.

MY PHONE WAS MAKING A HELL of a noise and I felt my fingers scratch at the floor before they finally grabbed the device and I placed it to my left ear.


The voice on the line returned all my senses and cleared the sleep out of my eyes. Aunt Cho was on the line, I sat up immediately and realized where I was with more shock. The sleeping bodies of the tattooed older men on the floor looked as bad it felt as I stood quietly to receive the call.

My bare feet felt cold on the floor as I walked to the kitchen, still looking back to see if my movement hadn't woken the sleeping men. Gerard White had his back to Jake, he slept on his side, facing the chair while Jake was on his back, eyes closed in rest and chest rising and falling slowly but steadily. They didn't stir.

"Juniper." Aunt Cho was calling again. "Are your ears blocked? Can't you speak? I've been calling all morning, child."

I rubbed my eyes. It was way too early for this, for anything. "I didn't hear it, aunt. I was asleep, sorry."

"Your ears always gave me concern anyways." I could picture the frown carved into her face as she spoke. "I called to ask how your classes are going, the school mailed me that you just finished the first batch of remedial tests."

"Yeah, I just did. Yesterday," I confirmed, moving towards the sink and picking up a glass and filling it from the tap. I watched the clear water fill the glass dully as aunt Cho spoke again.

"And?" She prompted.

"What?" I knew what she wanted to hear and was playing dumb intentionally.

"How did they go, child?" She snapped, like I knew she would. "How did your tests go?"

"Good." I raised the glass to my lips and drank.

She obviously wasn't satisfied with my answer but chose not to press on. "Your classes, especially the private ones with that nice, blind man. How are they going?"

Well, that nice, blind man is one of the only people I talk to and we're extremely close to the point that I slept over at his house and met his best friend, who did I mention is Gerard White, son of the multi-billion dollar family and world known Artist?

Only that I didn't say that. "He's really good, it's all going well, aunt Cho."

"Better." I heard her sigh softly, she worked really hard at her office job and that was one of the major reasons why she was always grouchy. "You're on your way to class?"

This stumped me. "Yes," I lied but in a way, it wasn't lying because I was supposed to leave in a few hours anyways. "I'm leaving for class soon."

"Good." She sounded satisfied this time. "How are your friends too?"

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