Chapter 2~ Doesn't

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Dedicated to hottiesoftie for the beautiful cover!!!❤❤❤❤.

Bear in mind that PCA hearings go this way.

Anything that could possibly go wrong would most definitely go wrong.

That law pretty much summed up my whole existence. An outsider might argue that I was simply unlucky or maybe I was just a victim of coincidences but I had longed ruled out any of such explanations.

I was plain unlucky and I knew it. From little examples like explaining how I broke my elementary school's trophy collection by touching it or how my bike had landed on my former principal's new Range and smashing the windscreen to the most recent event; I was round up with the notorious secret cult members the university had been on the lookout for.

Everything happens for a reason, my late mother always said. So, when the school board passed out the decree for our instant expulsion, I was torn. My case had simply being a matter of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, and my innocence had come out after a while but the shadow of doubt had already been cast on my integrity and they were on the lookout for an excuse to make my expulsion permanent. Failing virtually all the semester's courses was my second strike and the opportunity the university was waiting for.

"...The board has however come to a final decision and, Miss Juniper Lee Song has been advised to leave the university due to suspected illicit activities in the previous year and now being unable to meet up with the school's educational standard." Chancellor Fairbanks ended his monotonous reading with a chesty cough, pulling out a white handkerchief and dabbing at his sweat coated forehead. I sat, staring at the board stone faced and unmoving, I could imagine the look on aunt Cho's face now and even mere thought of it sent another bolt of fear down my spine.

Aunt Cho and my older sister, May were currently sitting behind me, on the neatly arranged plastic chairs along with other concerned people that had come for the hearings of their children. I hadn't dared move an inch to see their faces ever since I had been escorted in through the West door to my seat in the middle of the room.

"As is our usual custom here," the Chancellor was speaking again, peering at me maliciously through his tiny eyes while I held my breath, waiting. This was the part of the hearing every student on trial always waited for; the votes. All heads of various top departments were always present at the meetings and if you could get three out of twelve to vouch for you, you got one more chance to stay here on campus.

The school was weird as hell, I know. But Pius Cornelius Arlington University was highly recognized for it's standard. Aunt Cho had handpicked the school, despite it's cost when I told her about my decision to study here in America. And I had failed her, failed myself, I thought sadly as I felt the numerous pairs of eyes prick me like tiny needles.

"We'll now put it to a vote," the Chancellor finished, removing his spectacles and I realized I had zoned out on that whole sentence. Now was the deciding moment, I felt like I was in one of those game shows where one move could mean going home with absolutely nothing, considering it, in a way, I was. My colleagues had briefed me that most of the time, students often got even more than the three votes required depending on if the heads of the departments liked you. I had tried to force some sort of calmness down my system by thinking off the odds that out of twelve, at least three wouldn't vote and lulled myself into pretend comfort. All twelve couldn't hate me now, could they?

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