Chapter 5~ Can

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Dedicated to AllTimePercabeth

Guys, you can suggest whoever you picture as the casts of this story, I'd love to hear them. XD. ❤❤❤

So, back to our tale. :)

"I'm still nervous," I told James, pulling off my seatbelt and picking up my bag from beside my feet. "This is my first meeting with the man actually." I peered out the window at the visual arts school building, knowing his office was in one of those rooms. James' shiny, black, Honda Pilot stood out like a sore thumb in front of the dull building, it was this year's version. The Swiss twins were figures of affluence.

"As much as I would love to console you, I really have to get to class." He talked quietly, obviously humoring me as he ran a hand through his darkish brown black hair. His hair color was actually dark brown but he had messed with dye and some other products to give him that unique color. It was beautiful although I would never admit that to him. "So I would really appreciate it if you would get out of my car."

"Fuck you."

"Nice offer," he chuckled, reaching for his sunglasses on the dashboard. "But it can't work out between us, Jules." He put on the expensive glasses, blocking those beautiful, baby blue eyes. "Besides, you'll be fine, now stop being a baby and get out of my car."

"You'll come pick me?"

"Unlikely." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm going back home after lectures and then Zac wants to use the car. You could tell him to pick you or something."

"Why can't he use Liz's car?" The cute, red Ferrari sport instantly came to mind.

"I don't know too, so don't ask me."

"I'll just come by myself." Knowing Zac, he would probably not show up or disappoint me. It was in his dumb nature to forget stuff like that.

"Suit yourself," James whistled.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my blue baseball cap and smashing it on my head before climbing out of the cool car. I slung the cross bag over my shoulder and proceeded to walking up the stairs that led into the building. I glanced back and discovered James was still there, he had wound down the tinted glass to give me an encouraging grin which I returned with a tiny wave before finally entering through the big, glass, French doors. I had been in this building before, during my registration here but only specialized arts students used this place and once again, I was awed by the magnificent air of this place.

The walls of the lobby were graced with paintings, different ones which ranged from normal landscapes to ludicrous ones, all beautiful and unique upon their canvasses. Sometimes I felt like I wasn't talented enough when I saw the work of others, how could a person make art this beautiful?

Artists were gods in human bodies.

I knew that most of the offices, studios and classes were on the upper floors. A bald, dark skinned lady sat behind a counter, probably as the receptionist and I leaned against the counter to speak to her. She had on a black see through, net blouse and I could see her small mounds of breasts peek through her bikini bra.

"Hi, I'm Julie Song, I called here last week for information about my remedial classes here with Professor Sykes," I explained, fluidly. Behind her sat a white poster that read, Support The Arts and Date An Artist, in black.

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