Chapter 6~ Hear

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"What's up, doll?" Zac greeted me, striding into the kitchen looking all dressed up in his brown khaki shorts and blue, button shirt. His sandy hair had been combed backwards, giving his chiseled face a sun god look.

"Hey." I could see the sexual appeal and clamour that attracted girls to the twenty-three year old. I shook my head, slightly and returned to the Fruit Loops I had been eating before he came in.

"Babe, you haven't seen Liz's keys --" he was saying when his eyes landed on them, on the marble beside the cooker. He had probably left them there and forgot all about it, Zac was extremely forgetful, a quality that pissed us out most times. "Found it," he grinned, flashing me the smile that sent girls swooning.

"Where are you even going?" I asked, lifting the spoon to my mouth. I asked mainly to start a conversation going on, not because I was really interested in his numerous outings.


"Who throws a party on a Wednesday night?" I questioned aloud. When I first started here at PCA, I attended way more parties than was normal for a first year. It was only normal that a child that had been caged up by her guardians for years would go overboard at her first form of release. Look where parties had gotten me, near expulsion.

"It's not a campus party, I met these dudes from town days ago and they invited Liz and I," he explained, going over to the fridge and opening it. "Liz is already there though, I'm just going to pick her up."

"How did she get there without her car in the first place?"

"One of those dudes picked her from campus." He brought out a orange juice and drank directly out of the carton despite Lani's constant warnings to stop doing that. He stopped drinking abruptly, like he remembered something. "Hey, doll, wanna come with?"

I dropped my spoon to give him a sour look. "I'm banned from all social gatherings."

"From all campus social gatherings, these dudes are not from school. You can go." I noticed how nice his light freckles looked against his pale skin. "Besides, you need a break from wearing sweats and skulking around here all day with James."

"Where is James?" I asked, remembering I hadn't actually seen him all day. I looked down at my sweatpants, partially insulted by his words.

"If you don't know where that vampire is, how the heck should I know?" James did hate the sun or just brightness in general. "So are you coming or not?"

"We're only picking Liz up?"

"Yes," he confirmed. "Then there's this new bowling place that Liz wants us to check out. You like bowling, right?"

"Yeah, it's okay." Car was the bowling enthusiast and I had quickly learnt to tolerate and like the game. Besides, I needed a break like this from all the trial stress and everything that had been going on during the past few weeks. I stood, holding my now empty cereal bowl and went over to drop it in the sink. "Gimme a few to change."

"I'll be in the car," was his only reply.

"So how'd you even meet these party guys?" I asked, few minutes into the ride with Zac. The night was bright, lit by the moon as Zac weaved the Ferrari down a turn down an unfamiliar way. It was just a few minutes to ten.

"Long story." His accent sounded like all of them from this place, he was born and bred here in Virginia. "But they're not actually my friends, they're Liz's. You know, the way all rich children seem to know each other."

James didn't like being referred to as a 'rich kid', Liz didn't care.

"My parents weren't rich, yunno before they died. My aunt and uncle are just comfortable too."

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