Chapter 11~ My body

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sometimes writing this book confuses me and I plan one thing most times and the characters do another.

anywho, here's another one. Enjoy!❤

listen to 'The Greatest' by Sia.  ^^

IT TURNED OUT ONE OF the only ways to actually getting some work done was to leave the house entirely. I chewed on the end of my pencil, studying the first plane projection I was supposed to be constructing for one of my classes. It had initially looked like it would turn out great but now I wasn't exactly sure what it looked like anymore.

Maybe I should call James but calling him was equal to getting nothing done.

I groaned, reaching for the lemon tea on the table and sipped it, yearning for some sense of serenity and calmness. The little coffee shop was hardly packed, only handfuls of PCA students ever came here. It was on the extreme edge of campus and the effort of getting here most times wasn't worth it. I reached for the paper I had been drawing on and crumpled it, already pulling my phone out of my bag to call James. He would know what to do, I only hoped he wasn't in a class right now.

I pulled out my phone when as if on cue, a call came in and one glance at the caller ID had me cringing over and over with irritation. Why was May calling me? We were the type of sisters that hardly ever spoke, I hadn't talked to her since that day in the car with aunt Cho and uncle John.

I actually debated ignoring the call for about ten seconds and then against my better judgement, I clicked the receive button.

"Hey, May." I tried to inject some form of cheeriness into my tone, no use letting her know that I didn't appreciate her call. "What's up?"

"I'm fine, Julie. I trust you're well too." That was the problem with May, she was way too stiff and that was honestly her personal problem because I didn't beg for her call.

"Yeah, I'm fine." So get to the point of why you're calling, I don't have all day to waste on an awkward conversation.

"The anniversary is coming," she stated simply. "I wanted to know if you're going to be able to come home." Our parent's death anniversary was one of the things we did together, next week would make it ten years since our parents died together in a car crash.

Till this day, one of the reasons why I could never really hate my sister was that she was the reason why we weren't in the car with our parents the day they died. I was just about seven at the time when I followed May to the mall for some dumb comic convention she was into at the time, when our parents came round to pick us up she insisted she wasn't leaving till she met the author and got his autograph.

I wanted to go home with them but she made me stay with her, with a promise that we would carpool with some of her friends and get ice-cream on our way home. That single act saved my life. The cops said there was no way anyone in that car would have survived.

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