Chapter 19~ Show me

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dedicated to ho__sanna, my main chick here. Y'all should totally check out her masterpiece, "In The Deep", it's fucking dope, hands down. Seriously, go check out this book.

Also, y'all can ask for my handles and follow me on Twitter and IG❤.

before I go, lemme just announce that white nail polish is bae.

listen to 'I like me better' by Lauv, it goes with the chapter perfectly.


"JAILBAIT, I STILL THINK THIS IS a very bad idea," Jake stated dryly, for what seemed like the tenth time tonight. "Let me just go home." He was playing with the head of his brown walking stick, evidently unsettled.

"You're already here." I gestured around the bar even though I knew he couldn't see that action. He probably sensed though, knowing him. "Why not just see what happens, she'll be here soon anyways."

"I don't want to see anyone."

"Technically, you can't see anyone," I corrected, my eyes darting between the bar entry and his face. The lady would be here soon enough, they agreed on eight. "So that takes care of that problem."

"Your wit is not appreciated."

I shrugged with a grin as I took a sip of my cherry cola. How I had managed to get him to go along with this crazy idea of mine was still a surprise. I had kept bugging him until he had agreed to let me register him on an online blind dating app (no pun intended).

He was supposed to meet up with the lady here. Part of this was to finally throw off this dumb attraction I had to him, if he was involved with another woman, I wouldn't want him anymore, would I?

"Jailbait..." He started and I reached over the table to hold his hand, squeezing it softly. He had given me that nickname and I thought it was him foreshadowing the effect I had on him. "You do know that --"

Whatever he was about to say was cut by my hurried scramble to wave over the lady in a bright red dress that was now peering around with a curious expression on her heavily made up face. She was the one. She sent a picture of herself and I had to admit that the picture did her no justice. Her long, honey blonde hair was up in a ponytail and the red dress seemed to fit like a second skin as she caught my wave with a curious smile.

"She's here," I hissed. I was waving her over to our table now and she was catwalking over in her silver heels. Her online bio said she was only just twenty-five and she positively looked four years younger than that.

Melanie Willis. She preferred Mel.

"This is a very stupid idea." I chose to ignore this as the lady walked up to our table with an assertive smile on her pretty face. She had probably recognized JT from the picture but judging by the light behind her eyes, she had no idea who I was.

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